Part 83

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Gemma's Pov

I was having a great time out with conor we had been out drinking for about 3 hours and girls kept flirting with conor but he kept telling the that he had a girlfriend which i was happy that he wasn't flirting back and it was nice that i finally found and nice lad because naomi has been their everytime when the lad was nice he turned into a dickhead. I said to conor i'm just going to go get us a drink he replied ok babe i'm will be here when you come badk i went to the bar and i had to wait for awhile because it was busy and by the time i had gone to find conor i had already finished my drink so i put it on the nearst table i could find so i only had conors in my hand so i found him dancing real close to this girl then started full on kissing so i went up to him and said are you having fun he looked up at me and realise whatt he was doing and he said she kissed me i throw his drink in his face and put the empty glass on the table that was next to them then said i saw you she didn't kiss you first you kissed her and go back and have fun because i'm going now.

I knocked on naomi's front door i didn't know if she was gonna be up but i needed her i didn't wanna be on my own. Ast answered the door and said what's up gemma then naomi came out into the hall and said aww what's up i replied conor cheated on me then lied to me about it when i saw him do it she give me a hug i said i thought i finally found a nice lad after all them lads who were dickheads she replied aww i know. Then conor came running up nearly falling over doing it because he was proper drunk he finally got into the hall of naomi's house then he said i'm sorry i didn't know what i was doing till you come up to me i shouted DON'T YOU DARE USE THE I WAS DRUNK EXUSE he grapped hold of my arm and wouldn't let go so naomi said if you don't let go off her i will punch you he replied you wouldn't do that she replied get off her of you will find out the hard way because him being drunk decided to be cocky and say i want to find out the hard way i replied you asked for it now then naomi punched him and he fell against the wall i giggled abit because she always stuck up for me. 

Then ast said to naomi you can't just hit me brother because he cheated on your friend she replied oh look i already have and no lad is gonna hurt gemma like that i don't care that he is your brother she is my best friend ast replied if your gonna do that to my brother again and be that mean to him i can't be with you i don't like people like that she replied well looks like were not together anymore and i wondered how long it would be till you left me again while i was pregnant don't worry i will bring the twins up like i did with our daughter last time ast replied yer because you did well their didn't you where is she then oh yer i forgot she died naomi slapped ast and said FUCKING GET OUT AND DON'T COME BACK then ast and conor both stormed out naomi slamed the door shut and said lets go into the living room and cheer you up. 

We was now sat down on the sofa i said i'm sorry i just broke you and ast up because of what conor did she replied doesn't matter one of my girls comes before any lad and my twins are gonna need their auntie around i laugh and said aww thanx i'm gonna spoil them she laughed and said your staying here tonight i don't want you to be alone while your upset i replied i love you your always their for me she replied i love you to.

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