Part 82

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Ast moved out of the way and theo ran straight into the door trying to get ast then ast gets the knife away from him then calls the police then he comes to see I'm ok and after what theo did we think we have lost the babies. The police come upstairs and ask us what happened so ast told them and they took theo away then ast helped me up and said come on babe we need to get you to the hospital to see if the babies are alright I replied I bet we have lost them because we don't have much luck with babies. 

We got to the hospital and they checked to see if the babies ok and they were thank god I don't know what I would do if we had lost them they said I had to take it easy for a few days so ast said he would take care of me and that we were going back to his so I phoned gemma and asked if she could tidy up my house and fix the front door said she would for me and she would get bryony to help. 

A Few Days Later

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Ast wouldn't let me do anything because he said I had to rest and I was getting bored of it now I had stayed at ast because he wanted me to but I missed my home so we went round to mine and I put all the clothes I had worn at ast in the washer. Then gemma had phoned me to see if I wanted to go shopping because she needed something to wear tonight because her and conor were going out drinking and ast had to work today so it was fine. 

I met up with gemma and she shopped for an outfit for tonight and I was looking a the baby clothes and they were all so cute. Me and gemma went for something to get eat after we finished it gemma said I've got my outfit now why don't we go at some more baby clothes I agreed. We went into one shop and gemma picked up this cute little boy top and said now I have to buy this then as she was going to buy it she saw a little cute top for a girl and said I have to buy this to I replied I can't let you do that she replied to late I've bought them. We walked out the shop I had got a couple of things like little baby grows and little socks then I said why don't we go to yours and I will help you get ready for tonight she replied sound like a good idea. 

I helped gemma get ready and she said thanks then headed out so I did to and got home and ast was already sat down on the sofa in the living room so I sat down next to him and sat I thought you would be at yours he replied I wanted to be here when you got back so did you have a good time with gemma I replied yer she got an outfit for tonight which she looks gorgeous in and she bought 2 cute little tops one for the little boy and one for the little girl and I got a few stuff to he replied ok let's see what you got so I showed him and he said aww their proper cute.

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