Part 57

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Bryony's Pov

I hadn't seen naomi for months because she had been busy and so have i. Me and jay was heading to a restaurant and we was half way their when we bumped into dylan of all the people i never wanted to see again he was at the top of it. Then he smirked and then started touching my arm so i moved closer to jay then jay said dylan will you just leave bryony alone she doesn't like u after what you put her through and your never gonna be with her again or hurt her because i won't let you dylan replied i wouldn't be so sure of that. Jay grabbed my hand tight and pushed past dylan but then jay fell to the ground and when i looked dylan had stabbed him i fell to the ground and lift jays head on to my knee's and said jay please don't die on me i love you dylan replied now that he is not in the way we can get back together i shouted FUCK OFF AND GET AWAY FROM ME he just replied i will for now but i will be back for you because you will be mine i'm gonna make sure of it then he walked off with a smirk on his face. 

I called a ambulance then said please jay i'm begging you don't die on me he replied the days i spent with you being your boyfriend then your husband were the best days of my life i will always love you never forget that i replied your gonna make it were gonna have more days together and maybe start a family in a few years he replied i would love that but i'm not gonna make it just please say you will find someone that makes you happy i was crying and said that's not gonna happen because i only want to be with you when you came into my life it's the happiest i've been and i love you and you will carry being in my life because your gonna make it. Then the ambulance come and took him to hospital.

I had been at the hospital for about half an hour and they had not said anything to me and i couldn't take it anymore i went to find his room and when i got their the doctor was just coming out and saw me and walked up to me and said i'm sorry but we couldn't save him i'm so sorry for your lost he is his things that he had on him when he came in. I looked and it was his wallet , his phone, his wedding ring and some other stuff. I went in to his room and sat down next to him and said i love you why did he have to take you away from me because you were the best thing that ever happened to me then i took his wedding ring out of the bag that the doctor give me and put it on and put the rest of his stuff in my bag. 

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