In addition to the small cubs that need to enter the nursery, the slightly older ones like Tiao Tiao need to start learning to read and various etiquette.

Shen Zening plans to directly copy the model of modern kindergartens. Parents send their cubs over in the morning. The cubs have classes in the morning and play in the afternoon. Lunch is also eaten in the kindergarten. There is also a room specially provided for the cubs to take a nap. .

In addition to the daily teaching, there are also various irregular activities.

For example, spring and autumn outings, as well as various parent-child activities and festival activities are organized like modern kindergartens.

"At first, I just wanted to find a place for Tiao Tiao to play with friends of the same age..."

Shen Zening couldn't help laughing while talking to the little fox, "I didn't expect that the more I talked about it, the more I talked about it. From an ordinary hotel nursery to a serious kindergarten. Yangyang, am I doing this too much? If you really want to build a kindergarten, there are still a lot of things to worry about." "

No." Bai Yang shook his head, "The kindergarten you mentioned is indeed better than a simple nursery. There is a similar place in the demon clan, called Mengxue, but you have to wait until the cubs are older, such as five or six years old, before going there. Children who are 18 years old stay at home."

Shen Zening understood immediately upon hearing this that elementary school is equivalent to a modern primary school.

Things like kindergartens have not appeared here yet.

"...We won't be able to recruit people by then." Shen Zening suddenly thought of the enrollment issue and said with some worry, "You said that the cubs will not go to school until they are five or six years old. Our age requirements... Isn't it too young?"

In the world of cultivation, children are probably taught a little by their own families and then sent to elementary schools when they grow up.

"If it doesn't work, we can use it as a nursery first."

The two of them were sitting side by side on the thick plush carpet in the living room, with a square and large coffee table in front of them.

After the little fox finished speaking, he stood up and asked Shen Zening to adjust his position and step back.

Shen Zening moved back for no apparent reason, and saw Bai Yang sitting in the space just vacated between him and the coffee table. Then he leaned back with confidence, moved closer to his arms, raised his head and kissed him. chin.

"Come on these things one by one. After upgrading, there are still a lot of things to do." The little fox comforted him.

The fox ears were covered with snow-white soft down, which softly and gently rubbed against his neck, Adam's apple, and chin, causing a numbing itching.

"There are so many guests in restaurants and hotels, and people come with their babies every day. It is very convenient to put the babies in the kindergarten. There will definitely be people who are willing, and there are many friends of the same age in the kindergarten. I think the cubs won't refuse."

"The kindergarten is large, so there is no need to restrict the cubs to the guests of restaurants and hotels. The cubs from Shuowang City and nearby can also enroll. "

But in this case, there should be very few mortals willing to send their children over. It's hard to say what the monks say. There are not too many monks resident in Synogate City. Most of the monks come here because of the secret realm once a month. Most of the people who can be recruited by then will be monster cubs."

The little fox I Picked up is His Highness the Demon King Where stories live. Discover now