70.1. Newcomers - Part 1

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"Ryuu, what's wrong?" Erik gently grabs my chin and kisses me. "I'll be back in no time and Gotrid won't leave your side."

"It's not about that," I sigh and put my hair behind my ears because the wind currents are constantly messing with my hairstyle.

The helicopter's engine is already on, Erik is dressed in a sporty overall and the only thing that's delaying his departure is me. I just wanted to see him off and wish him a safe journey. Instead, I started worrying like crazy. What if something happens to him? What if he gets attacked? What if...?

"I'll be okay, honey," Erik assures me. "I have Royal Guards and police drones accompanying us. I'm as safe as I can be."

"When will you be back?" I ask anxiously.

"Well, I need to make several flights to the airport and back," he says. "I'm afraid it will take the whole morning."

Right, I forgot for a moment that this isn't a simple pleasure trip, Erik volunteered to transport our new ministers from the airport. Originally, we planned to keep their arrival secret, but the information got out. Not because of a leak from our side, those damn airlines babbled to the press, so Liana decided it's best if we avoid using cars.

Celestials can fly to the skyscraper on their own, but their family members and other races have to be transported by helicopter. And that's where Erik enthusiastically came in, claiming that it's a perfect combination of work and fun.

"Maybe I could fly after you and...?"

"Love, you're speaking nonsense," Erik laughs. "Besides, when I drop off the first batch of newcomers, you'll be too busy to miss me."

"My Emperor," Gotrid takes my hand and has to lead me away or I'd never let Erik go.

When the helicopter takes off and disappears from my keen sight, Erik's telepathic imprint disappears as well. I hate to be so clingy, but I can't help it. My telepathic brain gets anxious when I can't feel my beloved.

But Erik was right. I hardly take care of two minor tasks when Luviael announces that the Minister of Education is here. Her name is Sarayah, she's from Germany and has an impressive resumé as a high school teacher, winning the best teacher award two years in a row.

None of the ministers I've chosen is actually a politician. None would be even remotely qualified to be a human minister. Most of these people are extremely young (but, hey, so am I), but all of them have something that makes them perfect for the job. We have to start somewhere.

Sarayah enters the Royal Office and it's like a beam of positive energy came in. She's one of those rare people who are almost always in a good mood and enthusiastic about things. She has pink hair that would look ridiculous on a human minister, but the colour suits her and doesn't look inappropriate at all. Besides, fuck human conventions.

I stand up to greet her, but, instead, I'm staring at the tips of her beige wings. Colours, so many colours. How? It wasn't possible in the game. Yet, Sarayah's bottom feathers are playing with all sorts of colours. It's so pretty!

"Your Majesty," Sarayah bows deeply and even though she can't touch me, I can tell she's a hugger. Her urge to go automatically for a hug is overflowing, but she's well aware she can't hug the Emperor.

Does she know I'm a telepath I wonder? It's no secret among Celestials, but Liana implored everyone to spread it only by mouth in case of online leaks. So far we managed to keep it a secret which is a miracle considering thousands of people know. I'd rather she hears it from me than random co-workers.

"Welcome, Sarayah, it's a delight to have you," I smile, still staring at the tips of her wings.

"Oh, this?" Sarayah grins. "It's just hair chalk, not permanent."

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