21.1. Relocation - Part 1

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"You own a building in Prague?" I'm genuinely surprised. I thought she's based only in Berlin where her mansion and company's headquarters are. Is she even richer than I'd have ever imagined?

"Just one skyscraper," he waves her hand. "I have my branch office there."

"Just—one—fucking—skyscraper," Fefnir is pausing every word and shaking his head in disbelief.

"And we can have it?" I'm astonished.

"Yes, and it's situated really well," she nods. "Prague is in the middle of Europe so it's easy to get there from all parts of the EU. And the Bohemian government isn't as bureaucratic as the German one."

"What about the local employees?" Erik is concerned.

"Some of them will stay and help us, others can work from home or if they wish so, transfer to other branches," Liana explains. It looks like she considered it through and through. "The building has seventy-two floors so we can easily divide it among all four races."

"So... when are we relocating?" I ask.

"In four days so that everything is already prepared for us when we arrive," Liana says. "The employees there have until tomorrow to decide whether they want to stay or not so those who stay will really be willing to help us."

"How many people do you expect to stay?" Fefnir is curious. "What if most of them quit or work from home?"

"Actually, I'm counting on it," Liana smirks. "We need a few local people who know how to run things but as for the rest... well, we need to give Draconians jobs."


Liana tried to keep it secret for now but the news is out in just a few hours. Some employees facing a tough choice must have babbled about it, no doubt. Liana isn't that mad about it because she expected it but she still makes a dark comment that when she finds out who breached their contract, no severance pay for them.

In the meanwhile, several cars and one bus arrived to Liana's mansion, more Draconians asking for her protection. Some people have fled hospitals when they should have still been resting or have just a few days until their full transformation so Julia is very busy.

Those four days fly by very quickly and suddenly we're packing. Everyone is bit nervous about it and excited at the same time. We'll have official headquarters!

"Oh, damn," I grab my luggage but it's too heavy for my new body. It's still weight I should be able to carry but I can't exactly put the backpack on my back anymore.

Erik wants to carry it for me but one of the bodyguards takes the backpack without asking. Over the last couple of days, I discovered that my protectors are named Kristoff, Uwe, Karl and Stefan. I was trying to befriend them but it's hard to make a conversation.

I don't feel any repulsion towards Draconians from them so I guess that's just the way they are, professionals to the core. Liana must be paying them a lot. Fortunately, I gradually got used to their constant presence so their human minds don't disturb me anymore.

"So how do we actually travel to Prague?" I ask Liana when we meet her in the entry hall. Fefnir, Ingri, Emi and Julia are also there, surrounded by suitcases.

"By a helicopter, of course," Liana says as if it's the most common means of transport. "We can't go by cars, the police would certainly stop us."

Erik smiles and I know why even without touching him. He really misses flying.

"Is there any possibility I can pilot it?" he tries, hopeful.

"Not this time, sorry," Liana shakes her head. "We can't take any chances, my pilot is an ex-combat specialist so should something happen..."

"But we don't really expect the government to halt us in the air, right?" Ingri gulps.

"We don't but it doesn't hurt to be prepared just in case," Liana acts confident but I can feel she's a bit worried. "I announced that we'll do a short broadcast when we arrive."

"Broadcast?" I don't understand. "Why?"

"If we're streaming live, the whole world will be watching," Liana explains. "The government won't try anything funny if they know that. They can't risk a civil war should something happen to us."

"C-civil war?" I stutter. "Is that really in the cards?"

"Aefener," Liana sighs and resists rolling her eyes. "Look at us, two race rulers and two viceroys are travelling. We don't have our own government just yet but our people will still riot for us if we are hurt or abducted."

I turn pale and grab Erik's hand. I have to berate myself for being so slow. Get it together, me! Things are getting serious, this is no game. Celestials don't address me as His Majesty just for role-play anymore.

We step outside and our ride is waiting for us on the heliport—a huge helicopter that evidently isn't just for casual transport. I unexpectedly stop in front of the door and shiver.

"Ryuu?" Erik tils his head, confused.

"I... I'd rather not use it," I say, confused myself. All my friends turn to me, only Liana is still held back, discussing last-minute details with her employees.

"But you can't be afraid of hights! I mean... you've never been and now you're a winged person," Erik is shocked.

"I'm not afraid of hights. I'm not comfortable with...," I'm looking for the right word. With what exactly? Why do I feel dread?

"Aefener, is everything okay?" Liana finishes her talking and gets to me because she notices we all stopped for some reason.

"Do you feel like flying that thing?" I ask her and point towards the helicopter.

"What are you talking about?" she frowns and properly looks at the machine. I expect her to laugh at me but she shivers as well.

"Miss Richter, Ryuuto, can you describe the feeling?" Julia switches on her doctor mode immediately. "If it's not hights then... confined spaces?"

"It... looks like a can," I can't help it. "I'd rather fly there with my own wings."

"Which isn't possible yet," Erik encouragingly holds my hand. "And please, don't call this beauty a can, you're hurting her feelings."

"Actually... I also don't feel like riding it," Ingri speaks up, her voice trembling. "It's not confined spaces in my case, I might be actually afraid of heights now. It just feels so unnatural to be high above the ground... without soil."

"Fascinating!" Julia is excited by this new discovery instead of sympathetic. "And it's understandable when one thinks about it. The Earthborn would feel nervous without nature, enveloped by metal to which they can't connect while Celestials probably won't trust flying machines because they're able to fly on their own. And when their wings grow really big, they will hate small spaces."

"I can still do it, just feels weird, that's all," Liana puts on her brave face and confidently steps into the helicopter.

"Come, Ryuu, it's going to be okay," Erik nudges me inside.

But Ingri still nervously steps in one place. I notice her feet are bare. She hesitantly takes the first step but hisses when her feet touch the metal.

"Damn, can you carry me, Fefnir?" she pleads.

Fefnir nods and kindly picks her up. I realise I haven't seen her wearing lolita shoes that fit her outfits anymore. Is it uncomfortable for her wearing high heels and thick soles now? It'd make sense, the Earthborn have their main sensory tentacles in feet and palms. And some metals can even be poisonous to them.

I stretch my hand towards her because I feel she's even more afraid than me and Liana. It's not only heights, unlike me she has never flown in a helicopter before. She grabs my hand with gratitude and we're finally all inside.

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