28.2. Out of Control - Part 2

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"She's here," I say before anyone comes to inform us that the Prime Minister and her entourage entered the building. I nervously straighten my robe to make sure I look presentable.

"Gosh, you can feel her from such distance?" Fefnir scratches his chin.

"It's not that far, it just seems so because of all those floors dividing us," I explain. "My telepathy isn't effected by materials in the way."

"Did you actually measure how far you can reach?" Liana asks, tapping her digital pen against the table.

"Hard to measure it exactly," I shrug. "I guess... a hundred meters? It used to be much less before, though. Fortunately, I'm fully aware only of those I know. The rest is just ambient noise to me really."

Liana chews her lip. I feel she's worried about me—worried that my telepathy will keep developing and causing me more trouble. To be honest, it scares me as well. Even if Draconian minds aren't such a strain for me, I'm bound to meet and be around a lot of humans. As expected of a future leader. How will I manage that?

"Miss Liana, the Prime Minister and her escort is here," Anna the administrator opens the door and Bauerova enters the conference room. It gets pretty crowded with all those bodyguards from both sides.

We immediately notice that she brings two new officials with her, a man and a woman. They look quite young but I feel great resolution coming from them. And also fear. But their ambition and a wish to be present at such a possibly historic occasion is stronger. They don't try to hide their stares and carefully study all of us.

"Mr Bodin and Ms Ortega will be here to represent the international law," Bauerova introduces them right away. I don't feel bad intentions coming from them but at the same time they aren't as open as the Czech Prime Minister. It'll be hard to persuade them.

"Are they from the EU government?" Liana purses her lips disapprovingly.

"Sorry, Li, I couldn't refuse them," the Prime Minister sighs. "We're part of the EU after all. And your future embassy needs to be accepted by the EU as well even if Bohemia has the majority for voting in this case."

"Very well then," Liana concedes and we sit down.

"Our first and naturally the biggest concern is hostility between Draconians and humans," Bauerova starts the meeting without beating around the bush.

"You mean newly emerging racism," Liana doesn't sugar-coat it. "We're trying to prevent that."

"Wait a sec," Emi speaks up. "Do you mean Draconians being racist towards humans or humans being racist towards us? Because it's clearly the second case."

"Both," the Prime Minister answers calmly. "But, actually, what we're most concerned about is that when Draconians try to defend themselves, it can end up badly for humans. It became evident after yesterday."

I sigh. She saw the video. Of course, she did.

"So you're worried about inadequate defence," Fefnir quickly takes the lead because he can tell Emi is about to say something passively aggressive.

"We are," Bauerova doesn't hide her intention. "We can't have Draconians harming people for trivialities, not even as self-defence."

"Are you telling us to patiently take the shit humans will most probably throw at us?" Emi is getting pissed off and her claws scratch the table in front of her.

"I'm simply appealing to you not to overreact when someone verbally insults you or pulls your tail, for example," Bauerova says. "Or, in case of Celestials," she looks at me sternly, "throws people mercilessly away because of one feather."

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