45.1. Celestial Desires - Part 1

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"She's okay, Your Majesty, don't worry," Julia reports. "A bit malnourished but Clawfangs are resilient enough to overcome longer periods of discomfort. Unlike Celestials," she narrows her eyes.

I sigh. Did my maids tell on me that I don't eat properly? I came to the infirmary to check on Brina, the pregnant Clawfang lady I brought with me yesterday, not to get a scolding. The woman in question looks fine and healthy, I'm glad. Her partner Tai is with her and looks devoted. It's heart-warming to see a Draconian couple in love.

Will Draconians date only other Draconians in future? I'm a living example that interspecies love is possible but it's not like we're planning to have children with Erik. But even with heterosexual couples, I doubt Draconians can have children with humans. Or with other races. That makes things tough, especially for straight couples who would like to start a family.

"Brina is my concern now, Aefener," Emi assures me. "Stop worrying about everyone and focus on your race, okay? You have too much work as it is."

I nod. She's right, I should focus entirely on Celestials but I guess I feel responsible for Brina because I brought her here. I study the young Clawfang female. Like Emi, she's a fox but with a differently coloured fur. My nose isn't sensitive enough to catch those special smells but even I can tell that Emi just looks like the Alpha whereas Brina and Tai are not even betas. Are they sigmas? Deltas? I have to ask Emi later about their pack roles.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for bringing us here," Brina speaks up and is hugging her stomach. "But I can't stop thinking about my friends back in the squat. I feel guilty about leaving them."

"We'll help them soon," Emi pats her shoulder. "Once the right laws are pushed through, all Draconians who lost their jobs will get a financial aid. We'll also press employers to start giving us jobs again. Once they realise how proficient we are in certain areas, I'm sure we won't have a problem to find employment."

I hope so, too. Since yesterday when I faced the harsh reality, I don't feel good about living in luxury when so many Draconians suffer. My subjects are trying to spoil me but I won't let them. I'm the Emperor and it's my duty to think about others first.

"Are you okay, Your Majesty?" Miruel suddenly approaches me and clutches my arm. She's afraid because I nervously fluttered my wings just now and looked longingly outside the window. "You don't feel like...?"

"I'm fine," I shake her off. "How's Fefnir progressing with those drones? Will they be ready tomorrow?"

"Hopefully," she chews her lip. "You think tomorrow..."

"I'll definitely need to fly," I nod. "Regardless of whether I'll master the shield today or not."

"Of course, Your Majesty," she gulps. "We'll do our best to make it safe for you."

"Your regular medical check-up is this Friday morning before breakfast, Your Majesty," Julia's new assistant Noage reminds me.

"My transformation is finished, do I have to?" I frown.

"It'll be once a month from now on," he says. "Just to make sure you stay healthy."

I sigh but I know that there's nothing I can do about it. It's in our lore that the Celestial Emperor can't decide anything regarding his protection and well-being.

What is Erik doing right now I wonder? We were divided after lunch. I went to check on our newest inhabitants while he had to deal with two representatives of the Prague City Hall in order to agree on material help. Liana assumed it'd be better if Erik handled these lower officials who might have been too nervous around me.

I miss him already but I could use some time without him, to be honest. I was really looking forward to meet his parents but after yesterday, Erik is convinced that they will be afraid of me. I want to make a good first impression but there's nothing I can do about my looks. And I can't go back to act seemingly more human either. I don't want to even if I could. I won't twist my nature just to make humans like me more easily. Not anymore.

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