52.2. The Conference - Part 2

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When the coffee break is over, we return to the hall and the conference continues. We're beyond pleasantries and start negotiating new approaches and policies. When Delgado, the US President, steps in front of the lectern and begins his talk, the overall atmosphere in the room changes. Everyone tenses after just a few sentences that come out of his mouth. I'm happy to find out that the majority strongly disagrees with him.

"It's for our protection but at the same time it won't hurt the transformed," he insists after a brief introduction of his argument. "We need to monitor Draconians and chipping them is the easiest way."

Liana hisses but not because of the unbelievable proposition. She hisses at Emi who angrily hits the table, startling everyone. I can feel her anger rising to astronomical heights. Clawfangs are hardly made to sit quietly at meetings and being diplomatic.

"Are you fucking serious?" Emi bursts, speaking totally out of her turn.

I can feel how human delegates perceive her—like a dangerous wild animal. I finally understand why Liana was so nervous every time Emi was supposed to do any representative job. She just isn't cut for it.

Delgado smirks and I realise he wanted us to show open hostility. He's provoking us on purpose! Deminas kept his cool but Twyla and Werden let off irritated pheromones. I have to do something.

"That's exactly the kind of approach that ignited riots in your country," I say, trying to sound totally calm and collected. "Draconians are protesting because you're suppressing us. Treat us equally and with respect and your problems will disappear. I don't see any massive civil disobedience in the EU."

Delgado purses his lips and looks angrily at Bennett. He must know that the EU President met with us during the break.

I consider it for a moment. I don't want to decide such vital matters without all of us race rulers discussing it together first but I have a unique chance to beat Delgado. Emi is too furious to think straight, Deminas refused to deal with the EU and Twyla with Werden are from South America anyway. Maybe I can try taking the initiative after all?

"The EU offered us open support," I say slowly and clearly. "I can't talk for all races but Celestials accept it."

There are gasps and astonished murmurs in the hall. I surprised even Bennett who probably thought we'll keep it a secret for a while. Well, I won't. Now the EU can't take it back. It's a risky decision but I think it'll work out. If not, I'm taking full responsibility as the Celestial Emperor.

For a few seconds I'm afraid that I maybe acted too rashly but Liana nods approvingly and I can feel that all my Celestial friends back my decision. I take a deep breath and my wings relax. I let my Celestial Emperor's nature do its job and it feels good. I'm gradually growing into my new role.

"Clawfang Alpha," I address Emi by her official title because it seems appropriate. "There will be hardships and no doubt many misunderstandings but I'm willing to give humans a chance. I won't tolerate racist bullying but I believe we can make this work if we try."

Emi looks at me and forces herself to calm down. She still hates humans but she trusts my judgment. And not even she wants a civil war.

"Sounds reasonable," Deminas agrees. "If it works in the EU, they can lead by example."

I slightly nod, thanking him for his support. The Earthborn King and Queen also don't mind. I wonder if it's because they don't live in the EU or because they trust me so much.

"Mr President," the UN Secretary-General Myren Duke stands up. "I have to remind you that Draconians have been acknowledged by the UN as nations, meaning all basic rights apply to them. Involuntary chipping would be violating these very laws."

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