37.3. Betrayed Trust - Part 3

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"Everything okay, Your Majesty?" two guards peek into the bedroom. "The doctor looked quite shaken when she was leaving."

They know. I don't even remember their names and they know my secret. They're looking at me kindly but also apprehensively, knowing that I'm reading their emotions. Guessing how much I can feel from them.

"Some privacy here?" I click my tongue, forget that I shouldn't use my powers and close the door with telekinesis. "Ouch," I whine because the wound stings when my mana goes out through it.

"Oh, Ryuu," Erik is doing his best comforting me but it's no use.

I'm raging. I'm deeply disappointed. I... dammit! I shouldn't have thrown Julia out like that, she did nothing wrong. It was my Viceroy who okayed it, not the poor doctor who was just doing her job. And much more. She might be deceiving everyone else that she's staying with us for her own benefit but she's way past that. She's staying for the same reason Erik is—to make a difference.

"I don't approve of any sorts," Erik says gently. "Liana should definitely consult you first. But try to look at it from the bright side. We don't have to be sneaky around our guards and maids anymore."

"Always seeing the positive. Not working right now, sorry," I retort venomously but regret it immediately. Erik was just trying to make me feel better. I apologise in my mind and he kindly nods that my apology was accepted.

"I get it you're angry with Liana, Ryuu, I really do," he caresses my long silver hair and measures it with his fingers. It now goes all the way down, reaching to the half of my back. "It certainly wasn't Liana's secret to tell but as I know her, she was thinking about what's the best for you."

"The best for me or the best for the Emperor?" I sulk.

"I'm afraid Celestials don't see any difference," he doesn't dare to sugar-coat it.

"Why?" I rest my chin on his shoulder. "Why every time I think it's going to be okay and I'll get used to it somehow, it becomes much worse? Oh, Erik, I don't want to pull you into this mess. As the Royal Consort, you won't..."

"Too late for that, don't you think?" he switches to playing with the feathers between my wings. "Not like I can return to my mundane life now when the whole world knows my face. Not that I even want to. I know what I signed up for, Ryuuto. It was my decision, never think otherwise."

I rest both in his embrace and his mind. I ponder what the psychologist Zetraya told me about our relationship. Co-dependency. I see how unhealthily I depend on Erik but what about his side? What does he get out of it? He seems so perfect, unlike me. So stable.

"You're kidding right now, aren't you?" Erik pulls my feathers. "Me? Perfect?"

"Aren't you?" I raise my head and all I can see is my loving perfect boyfriend.

"Having an unrealistic image of one's partner is among the signs of a co-dependent relationship. I looked it up," he pokes my chin sadly. "As for my vices, I don't understand how you couldn't have noticed how jealous and possessive I act."

"Jealous of what? Whom I mean?" I'm a bit lost. I've always known he's a jealous type but it never seemed to manifest really.

"What about every perspective man around you? Mainly Celestials if I should be specific," he says and he has to make an effort to admit it. "Why do you think you got Luviael as your adjutant?"

"Eh?" I have no idea what he means by that.

"Capable as she might be, she hasn't even finished her master's," Erik chews his lips and I can tell he's carefully considering every single word. "Actually, there was one much better Celestial candidate for that position. Liana seriously wanted that person because they had ten-year experience as a consultant and a personal assistant to the director. Any idea why it was Luvi who got the job in the end?"

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