56.1. The Day Monsters Attacked - Part 1

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I'm staring at the heligorr and, surprisingly, my panic mitigates. I still can't believe it but I instinctively know what I have to do. I take a deep breath and with a little focus, I'm pretty sure I can point towards the source of that disturbance we're all feeling.

My Celestial nature kicks in full force, ready for a battle. My Emperor's nature follows, ready to give orders. I don't have time to analyse the situation or ponder how such a thing is even possible. All I know is that we have to stop it.

"You three stay here to protect my partner," I assign two guards and Cien, "the rest departs immediately," I command and my voice is absolutely firm. Just in case, I release my mana to make Celestials obey me without protests. Not that I really need it, the idea of not listening to their Emperor doesn't even cross their minds.

"Ryuu!" Erik clutches my hand, terrified. He's slowly realising what I'm about to do. He twitches when he tastes my mind. I'm not making even the tiniest effort to feel more human to him right now but he doesn't let go of my hand. I love him for that.

"Your Majesty, we're ready when you are," Liana addresses me with my title but this time I don't mind, it feels appropriate. Her eyes are burning with readiness.

"Emi, Deminas, Twyla, Werden," I turn to other race rulers. "Do you know where to go? Can you feel its direction? It's not very far. We'll try to hold it until you get there."

They all nod, swiftly instructing their own forces.

"Love!" Erik shouts at me desperately when I push him to the guards. It breaks my heart because I promised him I won't do it again but there's no other way.

"I need to keep you safe," I whisper. "I'm sorry, but you won't be of any use in a battle. Try to keep everyone calm here, please."

We have to go, a second lost might mean another innocent civilian killed. Windows in these super modern air-conditioned buildings usually can't be opened so I decide to shatter them with telekinesis. The delegates scream but I safely steer the shards away. Then I jump, spread my wings and take off with one mighty flap.

I love you and I'll come back to you, I send Erik one last thought before we're out of range.

Our coordination is perfect. We immediately form a neat squadron with me, Liana and Gotrid in the centre and there's no hesitation in the minds of my subjects. Questions will have to wait, now we need to focus solely on the quest awaiting us. Despite confusion and disbelief, I find myself feeling excited for the upcoming battle and so are my friends.

I'm really grateful to Cien that she forced me to eat so much in the morning. I'll need those calories. Dammit, I shouldn't have skipped dinner even if I didn't have any appetite yesterday. I make a quick promise to myself to eat better in future. It never occurred to me before that my eating peculiarity could jeopardise anything. But it can, I see it now.

I look at Gotrid flying next to me and he looks back with a mixture of excitement and fear. I feel both relieved to have him by my side and worried that he might get hurt. Still, there was no chance he would listen to me if I ordered him to stay with Erik. Celestials have to obey my commands unless it concerns my protection and I bet he would justify it as being there to protect me.

My love, whatever happens, Gotrid sends me his thoughts. I hope you understand that our priority is to protect our Emperor. Should the battle go wrong, we'll do anything to get you to safety.

Noted, I answer to calm him down because I was expecting it anyway.

"Shit, it's really a heligorr!" Miruel shouts when the monster becomes visible.

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