31.1. Royal Quarters - Part 1

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Despite my vehement protests, Julia forced me to stay in the infirmary for observation. Normally, I'd hate every minute of it but because I'm sleeping 80% of the time anyway, it's passing quickly. My breathing got better as my lungs keep adjusting so after three days, I don't need the oxygen mask anymore. I'm still hurting a lot and feel weak, though.

Of course, my absence didn't go unnoticed. Firstly, I'm not seen in public. Secondly, Julia's infirmary is currently off-limits so another place had to be designated as a medical room. Thirdly, the Royal Guards are patrolling in front so it's obvious who's inside. We had to shoot a video in which I was explaining my medical condition, imploring all Draconians to be careful about their progressing transformation.

Erik stays by my side the whole time except for showering or going to stretch his legs briefly. I'm telling him that I'm fine with Julia and my guards around but he still refuses to leave me for too long. He argues that he can work on his computer from the infirmary. To be honest, I feel guilty to sleep all the time while everyone else is working so hard.

"You're not lazy, you're recuperating," Erik is assuring me but I still feel useless.

Obviously, I missed another super important meeting with the Prime Minister and the EU officials. Liana briefed me afterwards and tried to sound like it wasn't a big deal but I could sense from her that my absence was felt. Ingri told me later that Celestials were really nervous that their Emperor wasn't present.

I don't know what to make out of it. While I'm now fully accepting my Celestial nature, reasoning of other Celestials is sometimes eluding me. I feel completely Celestial now, slowly coming to terms with all those new emotions and perception, but I still don't see myself as the Emperor. I can tell that everyone's mana capacity and magic proficiency is much lower than mine but I see no objective reason why it should be me leading our race.

"I looked it up, it's actually in our lore as well," Liana says after I proposed again that she should become the ruler instead of me and she refused without even thinking about it for a second.

"What is?" I hiss in pain because Julia is stretching my wings again in order to scan them and make sure my bones are growing how they should.

"Why you might be so reluctant about it," she explains. "The position of the Celestial Emperor automatically goes to the strongest magic caster, who is therefore considered to be the incarnate of magic itself, but it doesn't have to necessarily mean that person has to be good at politics and running the country on the practical level."

"I don't think our ingame lore influenced my thinking that much," I oppose.

"Yet, you were always behaving like the true Celestial Emperor," Liana points out. "Leaving all mundane work to me and rather focusing all your energy on conquering dungeons and going on the craziest and longest quests. Always with your head in the clouds. Exactly like our lore says—it's the Viceroy who takes care of the practical stuff."

"I... guess," I have to second that whether I want to or not.


I'm finally discharged after five long days. While my sped-up transformation is still weakening me considerably, Julia eventually confirmed that I'm in no danger and can be released into home care.

"You should look after Liana now," I say to Dr Stein while the guards are taking all my stuff Erik brought to the infirmary back to our apartment. "She's not feeling good today and just puts up a brave front as always."

"You feel that?" Julia asks openly because Erik made sure it's only Vermiel and Miruel inside helping us. "But she's so far away."

"I told you already that walls don't block my ability," I remind her and look at my new Celestial guards who eagerly gobble every bit of new information about me.

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