48.1. In Between - Part 1

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"What do you think, Aefener?" Liana asks me nervously while I'm examining her wings.

"You're being impatient," I roll my eyes and massage her wing muscles. "You could theoretically fly even without those five more centimetres but it's not only about wingspan. Your muscles have to get stronger as well and your bones are still gradually becoming hollow."

"So can I fly right away or not?" she's back to her original question as if she didn't hear me at all.

"Sure, for a few minutes before you'd completely exhaust yourself," I shrug. "Give it two more weeks, Li. You'll know when you're ready. You'll wake up one day feeling strangely light and not being able to think about anything else than the sky."

"Hmm," she sighs.

"Alternatively, you could try leaning off the skyscraper's balcony to see how your body reacts but I don't think you'll be thrilled to fly at this point," I say and scratch her under the feathers. "Why are you in such a rush anyway?"

"I want to be prepared when we go to the UN conference," she explains and thoroughly enjoys me petting her wings. "I doubt you'll manage to go without flying for six days so it would be convenient if we could finally accompany you."

"You, Taranah, Miruel and Vermiel definitely will," I assure her.

"And you know that how exactly?" she narrows her eyes.

I blink. How indeed? I just know somehow.

"Aefeneeer," Liana prolongs. "Did you discover some new ability again and forgot to tell us?"

"Don't be ridiculous," I scratch her under the feathers which makes her twitch because we're ticklish there. "I guess I can tell by feeling your mana circle?"

"Your Majesty, Your Excellency, I'm afraid your break is over," Luviael peeks into the lounge where we're sitting on the sofa, drinking our afternoon coffee. Her eyes flash when she notices we've been petting each other's wings. I feel a sting of envy from her.

I resist shaking my head. I'd be happy to caress her wings as well but that's something only friends do when it comes to Celestials. And while I do consider Luvi to be my friend, for her I'm the Emperor—her superior. Luvi wouldn't let me, thinking it's improper and totally against the protocol.

"Luvi also shouldn't take much longer," I say. "Her transformation will be finished just in time for the conference."

"Oh, it will?" Luviael exclaims happily and flutters her patterned wings.

I hope that I'm not naïve again but I really hope they'll let me fly for longer than one hour a day when my fellow Celestials finally join me and discover how intoxicating flying is. And that they'll let me venture further in their company. Flying just two kilometres around the skyscraper is starting to get quite boring, to be honest.


"So? Does it fit well?" my maid Cien asks me when she and Ayala dress me into a proper flying robe Ingri designed for me.

"It's marvellous!" I'm overjoyed and try moving around in it.

Ingri has outdone herself this time. The robe is both practical and stylish. I have to smile when I realise that it reminds me of Jedi robes from Star Wars. The basis is a short-layered kimono ending at my knees with pants, thermal leggings underneath and high boots. I feel warm but it's still easy to move in and doesn't make me feel underdressed. These are real Celestial sporty clothes!

I want to show myself to Erik but he isn't here. He's attending an important meeting with Czech officials. My flights became a normal occurrence after a week so my boyfriend and Liana aren't always present because for them it's just a waste of time to wait for me on the ground.

I understand that, I really do, but I still feel a bit sad that Erik isn't waiting for my return. But he's simply too busy. We all are. Moreover, we're trying to get used to not spending every minute together and test how long I can go without my telepathic craving kicking in.

"Are you okay, Your Majesty?" Ayala pulls my sleeve because I kept staring at my reflection in the mirror for too long.

"Just lost in thoughts," I look away. "Can we go now? I need to clear my head."

It's true, I really do. Fefnir is seriously concerned about the skyscraper's security and has been panicking everyone ever since that incident with the spy drones. As if I didn't have enough worries already. The security managed to solve the situation without me in the end and I'm glad but the intrusion showed how vulnerable we still are.

Sure, we're meticulously checking every incoming person and shipment for explosives and weapons but how can we check for technology in this age? Moreover, Fefnir didn't discover anything even after finally seizing the drones. The sender wiped their memory cards the moment the drones got apprehended. Who knows what they managed to stream back to their owner.

I finally step outside on the balcony and breathe in the fresh air. I shiver when the wind blows into my feathers. I stretch my wings and all the worries disappear the moment my feet leave the ground. Flying is such a liberating experience that nothing comes even close to it. I lose myself completely in it every time. I become the air. I become the wind. I feel free.

"Your Majesty, come back this instant!" a call through my watch gets connected automatically. "Didn't you feel the band vibrating?"

"Sorry, Vermiel," I apologise. "I didn't, I was too absorbed in the moment."

I don't want to listen to him. I want to rebel. But it's not worth the scolding I'd get later for disobeying them. Because it's not like I can just fly away and escape my cage made of gold, glass, marble and concrete. Because there's nowhere on the planet the Celestial Emperor could hide.


"Let's ask for a proper day off," Erik tells me that evening.

I'm sitting on his lap and we're cuddling. After being mostly separated for the whole day, I'm craving him like crazy.

"What about after the conference?" I suggest. "We should have more time by then."

"I was thinking every week," Erik raises his eyebrow. "You know... like normal people have. You do realise that it's common to have Saturday and Sunday free, right? Well, I know that two days are unthinkable in our situation but we should try negotiating Sundays at least."

"That would be nice," I agree but I doubt it will be possible in foreseeable future. Not every week that is. I lean closer to kiss him again. We do have this moment and I mean to make most of it.

"Ryuu, I'm serious," he grabs my chin gently and stops me. "We should fight for our free time. Four hours in the evening is hardly enough."

He makes me think about it. I'd welcome to have more free time but I'd never do it at the expense of work for my subjects and fellow Draconians.

"Of course, you wouldn't," Erik sighs because we're connected right now so he's catching what is going through my head.

He's annoyed. Rightfully. All he wants is to spend more private time with me and I don't seem that enthusiastic about it.

"You're right," I say quickly and shower him with assurance that I want that as well. "Damn, when did I become a workaholic?"

"I'm afraid it goes hand in hand with your job description," he sighs again but this time more cheerfully. "Are you still free tomorrow afternoon?"

"Of course, and I told Luviael that I won't permit any disturbances," I nod. "I'm looking forward to meeting your friends."

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