73.2. On the Brink of War - Part 2

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"Ryuu," Erik caresses my face when I wake up from a short power nap before the meeting. I feel much better after eating and resting, so I manage to sit up by myself.

I study Erik's face and give him a long kiss because, right now, what I need the most is to reassure myself that not all humans want Draconians eradicated. I need to convince myself that I didn't start hating humanity in return. But it's hard, much harder than I thought. I can't just forget the fact that if I was even a few seconds late, we'd all be dead by now.

I heard from Gotrid that Deminas and Fefnir managed to get out in time, but their base was destroyed and now they're in hiding. Emi is who knows where in South America and the fate of Twyla and Werden is still unknown. I have every reason to hate humans and the only thing holding me back is my empathic ability. And Erik.

"Ryuu," Erik repeats my name and shudders because he knows what's going through my head right now. He feels my Celestial wrath that I'm barely suppressing.

But Celestial wrath isn't irrational anger, that's a human misconception. Celestials are still able to think rationally while experiencing wrath and are perfectly capable of calculated decisions. It doesn't cloud our judgment or mess with our focus. Celestial wrath is a burning desire to preserve our species at all costs and exercise our idea of justice. The only problem is that we stop feeling emphatic towards those who wronged us. We don't feel remorse over killing our enemies.

I recall those terrorists who attacked the skyscraper a few months ago. I was devastated about killing them, but that was only because I was still not in harmony with my Celestialness and clung to humanity borrowed from Erik. When I think about that incident now, I don't feel any remorse. I did what I had to. As I will do now.

Erik's eyes widen when he senses my conclusion, but he doesn't say anything and takes me into his arms to carry me into the living room. The meeting starts in twenty minutes and I want to make myself presentable as befits the Emperor. The maids dress me properly for a reception and I sit between Erik and Gotrid, supported by them and looking almost okay.

"I'd like to have a quick snack," I tell the maids. "Something sweet, but healthy."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Ayala smiles broadly because I hardly ever ask for food myself and definitely not so soon after eating a full course.

But, for once, I feel genuinely hungry. My mana circuit is doing its best to replenish mana as fast as possible and I desperately need calories for that. Ayala brings me a bowl of cereal with yoghurt and fresh fruit which is exactly what I crave right now. I gobble it just in time for the meeting.

"The Ministers are here, Your Majesty," Miruel announces and lets the officials in. The maids brought extra chairs, so everyone has a place to sit.

"Your Majesty, do you feel better?" the Celestial Ministers are worried-sick, but they calm down when they see me.

"Better," I assure them. "I just used too much mana, that's all."

"We have some new information," Liana starts right away. "The EU investigation revealed that the missile was fired from a military orbital satellite."

"And the owner of that satellite is...?" I hold my breath in anticipation.

"That's the problem," Laurin takes over. "The satellite belongs to South Korea, but they vehemently claim that their systems were hacked a few minutes before the launch. South Korea is a country friendly towards us and we have no reason to think they are lying. Besides, they offered us full access to their logs to prove that."

"You mean to tell me that military satellites carrying long-distance missiles are that easy to hack?" I frown sceptically.

"I assure you that they are not, my Emperor," Laurin shakes his head. "Whoever did it, they had to have spies inside Korea's military and enormous resources to carry it out."

"And the countries possessing such resources are still the US, Russia and China," I frown again because we're not any closer to uncovering the culprit. "Any word from them?"

"Naturally, they're denying responsibility," Liana shrugs.

"I bet the culprit didn't expect that we'd survive the attacks," Gotrid hisses. "With all racial rulers gone, there would be a civil war for sure, but, without leaders and Draconians scattered, they would be able to kill the rest of us eventually."

"Agreed, the culprit didn't expect we would withstand the attack," Liana nods. "Whoever it was, they must be scared shitless right now because it's in Draconian nature to seek revenge."

"And we will," I decide. "I'm sorry if I was too amicable towards humans before, but I finally learnt my lesson. I won't tolerate humans bullying us any longer."

"Ryuu," Erik twitches in his seat, suddenly scared.

"Draconians will never start an indiscriminate war towards all humans," I take his hand and kiss it. "But we won't have any mercy with those who want to hurt us, Erik."

"How did you know, Your Majesty?" Forent speaks up out of his turn and is nervously crumpling his leafy clothes. "Your subjects might be too afraid to ask you directly, claiming that it must be part of your divinity, but I don't buy that. How did you know the missile was coming?"

I take a deep breath. I knew someone would ask me about that sooner rather than later. I'm surprised Erik and Gotrid weren't curious at all, but they were probably too focused on my recovery and didn't want to stress me with questions.

"To be honest, I have no idea," I say truthfully. "I wish I had an answer for you, but I don't know, Forent. I just suddenly felt we were in mortal danger. It must somehow relate to my telepathy, that's all I can think of right now. I'm sorry, I want to be transparent with you, but I really don't know."

"You have nothing to apologise for, Your Majesty" Forent mumbles, embarrassed. "You saved us all and we're eternally grateful. I didn't mean to sound intrusive, I was just curious."

It seems my answer satisfied everyone. As Forent was implying, it's obvious that Celestial Ministers simply consider it to be part of my supposed divinity and our only Clawfang Minister Rien still didn't come to terms with me being a telepath in the first place. Every time I give him my attention, he looks away, all anxious that I'm reading him.

"What should we do, love?" Gotrid pets my feathers. "Until we know who did it, we don't have a target."

"For now, moving out of enemy countries won't be a recommendation anymore," I say. "Order all Draconians to get out unconditionally. If they have human families they want to take with them, that's okay, of course. If they don't have money for a ticket and accommodation, Draconian embassies will help them."

"As you command, Your Majesty," Laurin bows and is staring at me with devout respect.

"I'll make an official announcement, send for a cameraman immediately," I continue with the same resolve.

"What will you say to the world?" Liana gulps because my Celestial wrath is making the room cold.

"That we won't hesitate to wage war against those who did it," I say darkly. "We won't just defeat the culprit, we'll annihilate them."

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