51.2. Inevitable Attraction - Part 2

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We get to the café lounge which is slowly filling up with guests who just finished their breakfast. I discover Deminas with his entourage, there are kind of hard to miss. They're sipping coffee from these tiny fancy cups which look even smaller in their big hands.

"Aefener, Liana," Deminas waves.

When we stop in front of him, I fully realise how huge he really is. He's even bigger than Fefnir who has at least two metres. He's so formidable that I just can't hold it against humans if they're afraid of someone like him. But the presence he's giving off is dignified and calm. No matter how scary-looking he might be, he's in perfect control of himself. It's a paradox that the Dragonkin are the most peaceful and phlegmatic race.

"Are you okay after yesterday, Aefener?" Fefnir asks. "You had us worried. Luckily, it didn't get out, humans made sure of that."

"Humans did?" I'm surprised.

"Of course, they didn't want to cause panic among Draconians," he says. "Safety of the race rulers is in their best interest as well."

"Hon, have some!"

"My Emperor, have some!"

Erik and Gotrid appear in front of me at the same time, both carrying plates with canapés. I just have to ostentatiously roll my eyes again. They couldn't be more different from each other but when it comes to me, they are the same.

"Love, you didn't eat enough breakfast," Erik insists and is frowning at his rival.

I stretch my hand and take one canapé just to make him happy. What should I do with Gotrid, though? He's actually feeling sad that I didn't take any from his plate. But if I do, it'll make Erik mad again.

"Thanks," Liana takes one in my stead, saving me.

"It's heart-warming to see that we're not the only ones," a female voice speaks up and an elderly elegant lady with long greying hair who seems familiar appears next to Deminas. Gosh, she's so tiny compared to him! But she has the same demeanour, everything about her is dignified. I could learn from both of them.

"I'm Anya, his wife," she introduces herself.

Oh, I've seen her before, I remember now. She was with Deminas during our early video calls. My mood brightens because Deminas and Anya prove that interspecies relationships can work. Me and Erik are not an exception.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs Anya," I say and I'm not sure how to be polite to her. I can't offer her my hand but she's much older than me so I feel like I'm being extremely rude.

She bows to me but only slightly which is the best possible outcome. Wait a second, if she's Deminas's wife, does it make her the Dragonkin Matriarch? Probably not, she might be recognised as Deminas's spouse but she isn't a Dragonkin female after all. Still, I'm glad when I feel that the Dragonkin guards are totally protective of her because she isn't in an easy position.

"I apologise and I know that it's against the Celestial royal protocol but could I...?" she bites her lip, her mind full of excited anticipation.

"Go ahead," I smile and stretch my right wing towards her. She seizes the opportunity right away and caresses my feathers.

"So soft," she beams, "especially when compared to my husband," she nudges Deminas's scaly arm teasingly.

I'm astonished to discover that Mrs Anya doesn't know about my telepathy. Sure, I didn't reveal it with her present that day when I told all my race ruling friends but I kind of expected Deminas would tell his wife. I wouldn't be mad if he did but finding out he didn't, my trust towards him grows even stronger.

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