38.2. Uncomfortable - Part 2

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"My Emperor, I was so scared when I heard," Gotrid is overjoyed that we finally have a chance to speak again. I still don't feel strong enough to work properly but I can at least talk to people online and encourage those who are far away and not in a good environment.

I haven't seen Gotrid for quite some time. While we're communicating with Celestial communities all over the world every day, there're so many that it's impossible to speak to everyone via a videocall on a regular basis. But I always find time for people I personally know from the game and ask how they're doing.

The only problem is that they stopped seeing me as their friend and completely switched to treating me as their Emperor. Gotrid was using my title ingame to teasingly flirt with me but there's not even a hint of tease when he calls me 'my Emperor' now. This is my new reality, I should probably just get used to it.

"You look good," I give him a smile and study his wings. They're growing slower than mine and Liana's but still getting bigger at a steady speed.

"Thanks, I just love them," Gotrid happily flutters his feathered limbs and proudly presents them in their current size.

A shiver goes down my spine. Something within me reacts wildly and I'm really grateful that Erik left to stretch his legs because whether I want to admit it or not, it inevitably arouses me. I don't know if it's because Gotrid is my type or because I just love the sight of nice wings, most probably the combination of both, but I can't help it. My Celestial libido is at fault here.

"How are things in the States?" I have to try hard to suppress that feeling and calm down, not letting anything show on my face.

"Well, turbulent," he shrugs. "Our first European embassy getting attacked made the situation even worse."

"How worse?" I'm almost afraid to ask.

"Her Excellency didn't tell you?" he tilts his head. I don't want to say that I'm still pissed at my Viceroy and haven't spoken to her since, but Gotrid immediately continues. "Naturally, Draconians were raging when it appeared in the news. Oh, Your Majesty, you were so godly in that video! You saved everyone!"

"Thanks," I blush. "And the public opinion? Sorry, I don't know much, Julia ordered absolute rest so the gang doesn't want to tell me anything solid."

He becomes serious in an instant.

"Thankfully, not many people approve of such brutal attack. Not even those who are totally against us," he says. "They know that it takes just a spark and there could be a civil war. For instance, if one of the rulers was killed. Even you just getting hurt is a big deal. Celestials are angry, seriously angry. And other races also aren't indifferent."

"B-but... they aren't doing anything?" I swallow. "I wouldn't want it."

"I know and they know as well so they stand by," Gotrid doesn't dare to lie. "And they're training like crazy these days, including me. Look," he conjures a level 2 flame with ease.

"Oh, nice!" I praise him.

"We want to be able to protect ourselves," he says and lets the flame dissolve. "And we also want to be ready when you'll need us, Your Majesty."

That takes me aback. Need? For what?

"Most of us in the US are just waiting for the government to lift the ban on Draconians travelling," he continues, not noticing my bewilderment. "The truth is, we long to be where our Emperor is. How can you not know, Your Majesty? It's our Celestial instinct to flock to our ruler, the embodiment of magic."

"I'm no embodiment of anything," I blurt out. "And I had no idea about it."

"I think the Viceroy wants to protect you from that for as long as possible," he ponders. "She's not telling you everything, especially now that you're recovering after such a serious injury. How does it feel to have...?"

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