16.1. I'm a Telepath - Part 1

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I must have fainted because when I come to my senses, I'm lying in my bed. My head is pulsating with a migraine and I feel weak. Telepathic waves from my surroundings are back to a tolerable level but I just somehow know that all it takes is a little push and I could break that safety barrier. My ability got stronger... again.

"Ryuuto, you scared us," Erik is clutching my hand tightly.

What happened? he asks in his thoughts. Something to do with your telepathy?

I don't get a chance to reply because Dr Stein insists on all sorts of medical examinations. I collect all my strength to close my mind to her.

"It's just a migraine," I say and massage my temples. "It happens to me from time to time."

"To the point of fainting?" the doctor is sceptical.

"N-no," I admit hesitantly. "This was the first time."

"Was it because he didn't rest properly?" Liana worries.

"Possibly," Dr Stein nods. "See, Miss Richter? You can't strain yourself."

It wasn't just that, was it? Erik asks again.

I'll tell you later.

"I'm okay, everyone, don't worry," I try to smile. It's cringy, though.

"I know you probably don't have any appetite, Ryuuto, but you have to take in some nutrients," Dr Stein says strictly. "Your wings are rapidly growing and you puked your last meal. I'll tell Mrs Hana to prepare smoothies and protein drinks for you so that you don't have to chew."

"Thanks," I appreciate and I'm surprised that I feel real concern from her. Maybe I was too harsh when judging her?

"Make sure he eats," Dr Stein says to Erik and everyone finally leaves, letting me alone with my boyfriend.

"Erik," I sigh and my voice trembles. "I think my telepathy got stronger again."

Erik's eyes widen but he immediately switches into the comforting mode. He hugs me tight and his hands find my wings.

Breathe, Ryuu, don't go panicking on me, he says softly in his mind. Together we can take on anything, never forget that.

Can we? I try to calm my breath by adjusting it to his. It worked last time. What if my telepathy goes out of control? I wasn't able to enter anyone's mind just two weeks ago and now I can feel everyone in Liana's mansion and even on the premises outside. My migraines... I... what if...

You'll able to control it, you just have to learn how, he plays with my feathers, trying to distract me with petting.

If only there was something like 'How to train your telepathy 101,' I wish.

We'll think of something, he assures me. For now, you should rest. Maybe you've just strained yourself and let down your defences? Maybe you feel uneasy around... ehm... humans?

I feel safe with you. Your mind sooths me.

I guess I'm special, he boasts and I have to agree. He is special.

Mrs Hana knocks on the door, bringing me a smoothie. I wouldn't be able to chew anything but gulping sweet fruit I can somehow manage with a little bit of persuasion.

Close your eyes, Ryuu, Erik lies down next to me and pulls me to his chest.


Something strange I can't quite phantom wakes me up. My headache got a bit better thanks to sleep but I feel even more anxious for some reason. Erik is sleeping soundly, hugging me in comfort. He's dreaming of something nice so it can't be coming from him.

I focus on it, trying to find the source even though my head is still killing me. I'm able to perceive people much further than ever before so it's definitely another level-up. I can literally monitor all people in a certain radius now. It's weird and strenuous but I somehow know how to do it—as if some barrier blocking my full power crumbled down just as it did with Peter.

It's really hard to filter all those leaking emotions but I manage to recognise my friends among them. Their minds are hazy so they must have gone to sleep. It seems like it's the dead of night because most of the personnel are also sleeping.

I try to ignore those who are sleeping and go after the awake ones. I perceive several guards, some of them whom I met and therefore identify their telepathic imprints. Surprisingly, Hana is awake as well and only a few rooms away. Is she a night owl? Or maybe she just went to fetch a glass of water or needed the bathroom.

Never mind, I push myself to go further. I can't see the space in my head, of course, but I can sense where the people are which gives a good estimate of distances. The mansion is huge and premises even bigger which makes me realise I've seen only a fraction of it. More guards patrolling the gardens... a few more in the parking lot... seems quiet.

Wait a second! What's that?! I can feel six people totally focusing on something which is unusual so late at night. And their minds are not pleasant at all. In fact, they resemble Peter's somehow: cold, psychopathic, following only their own goals. I can't read their thoughts but they seem to have some objective they need to accomplish. I sense danger.

"Erik, wake up!" I shake my boyfriend. I'm shivering in fear but at the same time I get an adrenaline rush.

"W-what?" he blinks and yawns. "It's not morning already, is it?"

"There are dangerous people in the mansion," my heart skips a beat and I send him my turbulent emotions to wake him up completely.

"W-what are we going to do?!" he sits up in a second.

"Call Hana, I feel she's awake. They're in the garage underground!"

He slips from the bed and runs out of the salon. I want to go after him but my legs give in the moment I try to put my weight onto them so I end up with my knees on the carpet. My migraine worsened again when I was looking for the intruders and straining my brain.

With difficulties, I make it back to bed. Will Hana believe him? What will he even tell her? That I miraculously know? But I couldn't stay silent just to protect my secret, those people are seriously dangerous and don't mind hurting others.

"O-ouch," I whine because my head is pulsating wildly. I crawl under the blanket and I hide myself under it completely as if that would actually help to blunt my telepathy.

The emotions intensify as Hana and Erik are waking up more people. Seconds fly by... then minutes... long, long minutes of waiting, being paralyzed by both fear and a worsening migraine. Liana's, Ingri's and Fefnir's minds are waking up as well; Hana or some other servant must have come for them. Commotion. Crazily strong anger coming from Liana. Fefnir and Erik keep their cool, Ingri is frightened.

I fight with another impulse to throw up. I'm so useless. At least I warned them but will it be sufficient? Wasn't I too late? If only I was strong enough to storm into the garage and eliminate the intruders with telekinesis or something impressive like that. Will I become strong some day?

People are cumulating in the garage but my friends fortunately stay upstairs. I'm relieved because I was worried for a second Fefnir would try to play the hero. He had a fleeting desire to go down and test his new strength.

The commotion reaches its climax and there's struggle. Fear, hatred, pain... everything intermixes. And then I feel a person die for the first time in my life. And it's like I've died myself because the darkness takes me.

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