47.3. The Weight of Responsibility - Part 3

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"Ryuu, calm down," Erik has to grab my hand because I'm walking around the room nervously.

"What if they won't like me?" I'm mad with worries.

But the truth is that what I'm really concerned about is something entirely else. What if they will be afraid of me? I told my maids today to dress me into the most colourful robe I have and style my hair into the cutest braid possible but I don't think it's enough. When I look into the mirror, I don't see only a non-human Celestial. I see the Celestial Emperor. There's something inexplicably regal about me which I can't hide.

"Something's bugging you and you don't want to show me," Erik sighs. "You're hiding a part of your mind from me again."

Of course, I'm hiding the real reason from him. He's not even aware of it but it's Erik who made me think that his parents might be afraid of me. It's his worry originally and I adopted it. I don't think I should tell him, though. It would hurt him.

"They'll love you," Erik kisses me to calm me down. "My parents are very open-minded and they respect my decisions."

Do I have a problem believing him because I've never experienced that one's family can be like that? Because I didn't learn healthy family patterns? Because I think that people will hate me by default?

"Come on," he grabs my chin and raises my head. "Just be yourself."

His words almost move me to tears. Erik has his doubts deep inside but he still prefers I stay true to myself. I love him for that.

"You didn't have to make such an effort either," he plays with my braided hair. "Silly, did you think that if you look more cute than beautiful, they'll relax? Well, you still look beautiful beyond compare, my universal androgynous beauty."

"Shut up, Mr handsome," I roll my eyes. "Let's go already, I don't want to keep them waiting."


Liana allowed us to use the most luxurious lounge in the skyscraper. I asked for privacy and she reluctantly agreed because my partner's parents can be trusted but it still means that some of my guards will be present. Inside. I just hope they won't scare the Anderles.

One of the guards opens the door for us and as we enter, I immediately look for our precious visitors. They're sitting on the sofa but they stand up immediately when they see me. Is it basic courtesy or because I'm the Emperor? I honestly can't tell anymore. Oh, no. They're bowing to me!

"Please, I don't want it from you," I let go of Erik's hand and hurry to the elderly couple. "You're my partner's family."

They don't flinch when I touch them but they do get goosebumps. They emotions and thoughts hit me. They aren't exactly scared of me but apprehensive nonetheless. Erik must have talked about me a lot but they know me only from him. And the media which don't portray me always in a nice way I can imagine.

"Mom, Dad, it's okay," Erik hurries to them as well. "Sit down and relax."

They are a bit pale but nod and sit down. Did I make a good first impression or not? It's hard to tell even with my special ability.

We sit down on the sofa opposite to them and I devote a few seconds to somehow fold my wings. This sofa wasn't adjusted to Celestials yet so it's difficult to find a comfortable position. In the end, I have to stretch my right wing behind Erik's back and hug him. The Anderles are watching the whole show with fascination.

When I'm finally sitting agreeably, I can look at them closely. It's obvious they dressed in their best clothes and how nervous they are about the meeting. But otherwise they look exactly as I was picturing them since the video call.

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