57.1. Task Force - Part 1

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"Ryuu!" Erik almost suffocates me with a hug the moment he sees me. "You left me behind... again!" He's mildly annoyed with me but he's happy that I returned unharmed so I'm forgiven instantly.

"I didn't have a choice," I shower him with kisses, not caring that everyone is staring at us.

"I know you didn't but I can still be angry. I was so worried!"

"Were you okay here?" I'm making sure because the atmosphere in the room is extremely tense.

"You mean except for freaking out that monsters from Draconia Online appeared in the real world? Everyone is panicking, of course! A few delegates even had a mental breakdown. I'm managing only because I'm used to weirdness by now."

"Your Majesty!" Mrs Duke, the UN Secretary-General, addresses me urgently and she's this close to a mental breakdown herself. "We have to establish a task force immediately. Please, come with us."

Embarrassment aside this time, I take both of my lover's hands because I crave intimacy. Considering what just happened, nobody really cares about that anymore. A threat to humanity itself is a much bigger issue than disapproving that the Celestial Emperor has two partners.

I try to provide Erik with some comfort, assure him that everything's going to be fine. But I can't send an emotion I'm just not feeling myself. I might not be freaking out but I'm just as anxious as everyone else. The thrill of the battle is still partly resonating within me but I'm afraid that humans will despise us even more—blame us that those monsters are appearing because of us.

Love, don't close your mind to us, Gotrid sends me his thought because I intentionally cut off myself to them just now. We're here for you to share your worries.

You're doing it again, Erik seconds. Taking all responsibility on your fragile shoulders.

I calm down a bit. Whatever future might hold, I have my beloved. I also have Liana and the others. They're right, I'm not alone in this.

We're being led to a smaller meeting room since I destroyed the windows in the big hall. Cien manages to find us something to eat and we're all given sandwiches, cookies and coffee. We're munching hungrily while the room is getting filled with the delegates. Snacking during meeting must be totally against the protocol but screw that.

"We should wait until the other race rulers return," I say because it seems Mrs Duke wants to start right away.

"They aren't returning anytime soon," Liana shakes her head. "The Dragonkin are still skinning the heligorr, the Earthborn went to hospitals to take care of the wounded and Clawfangs are helping with damage control."


"They agreed to leave international politics to us," Liana reminds me.

"She's right, let's just start," Gotrid agrees and stuffs his cookie into my mouth in exchange for my coffee because I had one a short while ago and too much caffeine messes with my anxiety.

I frown. This is exactly the outcome I didn't want to happen—Celestials taking the political initiative and me being seen as the representative of all Draconians. But I guess that concern is secondary right now considering that monsters from our game appeared in New York.

"Please, show us the footage," Mrs Duke lets Ms Behera in front of the lectern.

I crane my neck and see our army caretaker sitting next to Delgado and other US representatives. They all look grim, dead serious and when it comes to their feelings, they're panicky and bewildered. Well, at least I made sure they aren't psychopaths. They do care about the safety of their citizens.

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