33.2. Reality of Being the Emperor - Part 2

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Two Celestial women, who are introduced to me as my personal maids, dress me when we return to our apartment to get out of our pyjamas. It's strange to think of them as servants and not employees. And it's even stranger that they don't think that there's anything wrong with that. Just as Vermiel, they take pride in their newly assigned jobs.

"It seems to me," Erik tells me on the way to the conference room, "that they don't listen to you much, even though you're their Emperor and they clearly adore you."

"The Celestial Emperor decides matters concerning the state and magic," I say with a deep sigh. "I can't influence things that concern my care and safety."

"So they can dictate anything to you?" Erik raises his eyebrow. "I don't think I like that."

"Everything we do is to protect our Emperor," Luviael answers because she can hear us, walking just a few steps behind. "You don't have to worry, Royal Consort, His Majesty's wellbeing is the official state concern. Naturally, that includes you as well."

I don't know if I should be relieved or not, Erik switches to telepathy because he's holding my hand.

We probably changed more than you think... more than anyone presumes, I say. They don't pretend, Erik, it's no role-play. They believe every word they're saying.

Which is even scarier. Is Liana like that as well? She seems rather normal to me.

She's just more subtle about it. And her position allows her to be informal with me, I explain.

They really do respect you deeply, huh? he nudges me teasingly. They do treat you royally.

Yeah, and it's unnerving, to be honest.

Emi, Fefnir and Liana don't mind, though, he ponders. Is it only you retaining somehow a detached perspective? Because you're a telepath I guess?

I guess.

We arrive to the conference room. Fefnir and Emi are already here and already in a full debate with Ms Ortega and an unknown man. Is that the other EU delegate Bennett mentioned? They sure didn't lose any time.

"Great, Aefener's here," Emi is relieved and I notice the table in front of her is slightly scratched. She's not feeling angry so I bet her claws were scratching the table out of nervousness without her even realising it. Fefnir appears calm and collected but he's also nervous inside.

"Your Majesty," the new EU delegate ceremonially bows.

Unexpectedly, there's no cringe. He's really good at it, does he have experience with European royalty? When he straightens again, I can finally study his face. He's surprisingly handsome with his well-kept beard and could be in his late thirties. While his suit isn't more expensive than Erik's, he's wearing it so confidently that he could have been born in it.

He's definitely gay, Erik says dryly and clutches my hand more tightly. And he's right. Sometimes it's easy for me to tell one's sexuality and in this case it's super easy. It's blatantly obvious from the way he's looking at me.

"You're even more beautiful than in the videos," the delegate cleverly uses the fact that Erik is holding my left hand and takes my right one to kiss it before I can even react.

And it's not just an air kiss, his lips do touch the back of my palm! I turn red and his emotions hit me. I don't have to go deep to discover that Bennett chose him especially to soften me—make me more susceptible to their suggestions.

Seriously, what kind of dinosaur is he? Thinking he can just send me a handsome man and I'll fall for him just because we're both gay. Bennett might be a ruthless politician but he must have a very low opinion of queer people. I hope Bauerova knows about it and hates Bennett's guts so that we can unite against him.

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