55.1. Defining Moments - Part 1

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I didn't realise how many mental blocks I subconsciously built over the years until I lost them. I perceive everyone's emotions much more sharply than ever before and reach much further. Did I limit my ability on purpose to keep my sanity? I whine because my head is pulsating with a migraine strong as hell. My friends are panicking and their disturbed emotions are making my headache even worse.

Werden and Twyla have both their rooty tentacles connected to my arms and I can feel them evaluating my condition. It seems there's nothing they can do to mitigate my shattering migraine as they have no idea how my telepathy works in the first place. But I appreciate their attempt, I'm really lucky to be surrounded by good friends.

I slowly open my eyes but close them again because the room is too bright. I'm disoriented so I call for my beloved telepathically which is always easier for me and super easy without any blockers. Erik and Gotrid jump to me and push the Earthborn rulers aside. For once, they don't fight with each other.

I connect to them the moment they touch me. Erik was always my lighthouse, my security blanket. And Gotrid as well now. I find refuge in their minds I love so much and that will never overwhelm me even when I'm hurting. How could they? I've accepted them into my mind unconditionally. I gobble their love and give them my love in return.

I feel better after a while so I try opening my eyes again. Someone has adjusted the light so it doesn't sting anymore and my head stopped spinning at least. Erik and Gotrid are leaning over me, their eyes teary. I discover that I'm lying on an outstretched sofa in one of the lounges. All my friends are here, nervous and worried.

"Aefener, are you with us again?" Liana hugs me, not minding that she has to squeeze between Erik and Gotrid. "How are you feeling? What happened? Where you overwhelmed? Oh, I should have let you rest after all!"

"Li, there was a man," I say hoarsely but urgently.

"What man?" she tilts her head. "Are you running a fever? We have to get you to bed."

"No, listen!" I clutch her robe. "A Japanese man, he was standing near to the balcony with that woman who was recording for Ichikawa. I found out that I couldn't read his emotions at all and when he noticed I'm watching him, he attacked me with some kind of telepathic pressure. I wasn't prepared to defend myself so I fainted."

"A Japanese man? Attacking you telepathically?" she gasps for breath. "Can you show me what he looked like?"

I take a deep breath a project a memory of him into her mind as well as Erik's and Gotrid's.

"Aefener, he's Japanese... evidently a telepath... and looks about the right age," she gulps. "Do you think he could be...?"

"My father?" I finish the sentence and a shiver goes down my spine.

"Love," Erik kisses me to calm me down. "Maybe we can still catch him if we notify the security. You've been out only for ten minutes."

"And tell them what? That the Celestial Emperor has been telepathically attacked?" Deminas steps forward. "We have to be smart about it. Everyone in that room saw Aefener going down with a nosebleed without any apparent reason. There will be lots of questions."

"What are you suggesting then?" Emi asks impatiently and her tail is waggling wildly. "That man, father or not, attacked Aefener so he won't be sticking around. And I don't think the Japanese Prime Minister has any idea who that man really is, Aefener would feel if he was lying about the ongoing investigation."

"Ehm, guys?" Erik clears his throat. "Actually, I think that I might be the best person for the job. I'll return to the banquet, calm everyone down by some cover story and try to ask around if anyone might know that man's name. I think it shouldn't be hard to convince Elizabeth and the Czech Prime Minister to help me out a bit."

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