37.2. Betrayed Trust - Part 2

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My out of the blue level up frightened me, I won't deny that, but I slowly start to enjoy our strengthened telepathic connection. Liana and the gang know everything about me so it's nice to have something just between me and Erik. Our sweet little secret as he called it.

At first, I feel a bit bad that I'm intruding Erik's privacy which is almost non-existent at this point but he assures me that he has to focus really hard to make a specific thought stand out enough for me to perceive without touching. I guess we should be fine for now.

That ass, I make a remark to myself while watching Erik dressing up in the morning. Facing the wardrobe, he's standing with his back to me, giving me a very nice view.

"I heard that, you know," he turns to me with a raised eyebrow.

"I wanted you to," I smirk and try to slowly sit up.

I manage somehow but, damn, I still feel dizzy. I fold my left wing and leave my right one stretched out. I feel much better today but having a wing injured is indeed paralyzing for a Celestial. It's like the healing process is sucking all energy out of me.

"I need to use the bathroom, please," I sigh.

I'm really glad that I don't have to go nearly as often as humans do. Erik isn't fussy about helping me out but it's embarrassing. And my wings are so cumbersome when I can't fold both of them properly.

When we return, the door leading to our living room is open and Julia is waiting for me, sitting on a chair she positioned next to our bed and ready with her equipment. She's watching me analytically as Erik is putting me back on our bed. I guess it's evident I'm suffering from dizziness.

"Humans have their centre of balance in the ear," she tells me while changing my bandages. "We need more concrete evidence but it might be that Celestials have it in their wings now. You're not dizzy because of the meds since they should be out of your system by now. I think you're dizzy because your centre of balance is disrupted."

"That's plausible," I agree and let her do the job. "When will I recover?"

"Don't be impatient, you're still healing much quicker than humans," Julia rolls her eyes and Erik does the same. "Give it a few more days and you should be okay."

"How's Liana? She looked dreadful last time I saw her," I ask next, worried about my Viceroy. "I don't feel her in her apartment. Isn't she supposed to be resting considering her condition?"

"Nothing eludes the telepath," Julia says admirably and tells me to untie my kimono so that she can scan my ribs. "Healing nicely, Your Majesty. We need a much bigger specimen but researchers roughly estimated that new races heal 50% quicker than humans. And that's naturally, without any magic or special skills."

"How's Liana?" I repeat my question because she didn't answer it.

"If I'm to be frank," Julia sighs resignedly. "She totally disregards my medical advice and keeps working when she should be resting."

"Because I'm indisposed," I chew my lip. "Celestials won't listen to anyone else than one of us. Still, how come she's allowed to go out but I couldn't when my wings went into the growth spur? Is Fefnir carrying her around?"

"Her condition isn't nearly as bad as yours was," Julia shrugs, notes something down and starts quickly packing her things. Is she trying to avoid answering me properly?

"Julia," I frown. "Is something going on?"

I try reaching for her but she flinches. Okay, that's weird. She used to be eager to experiment with my telepathy before.

"That's rude, Your Majesty," she purses her lips at me. "You shouldn't use your telepathy just because people aren't willing to say something."

"If it's your private business, I respect that. But somehow I just know it concerns me," I push on. "Julia, please. I was asking about the current situation at breakfast but the guards and maids don't want to tell me anything."

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