40.3. Restless - Part 3

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I somehow manage to ride the elevator without Erik. Miruel offers to comfort me instead of him because it's only mildly uncomfortable for her so far but I refuse. I need to become stronger on my own. When did I become so reliant on others anyway? I was always so independent.

I left Grandma's apartment as soon as I started earning money from streaming which was in my third year of secondary school. Since then, I've lived on my own. My telepathy made it hard for me, especially when I started dating and became addicted to the minds of my lovers but I'd always managed to get by without any help.

Everything is different now. Never would I ever have thought that the time comes when being alone becomes something unattainable. That I'd have people who depend on me and I'd depend on them. But I guess there're also good things in all this mess. I have true friends who accept me even with my telepathy. And I have Erik. I don't mind depending on them and I want to become someone they can rely on as well.

I stop by Liana's apartment, wanting to check up on her. Maybe even invite her for dinner to our place. But I realise that she's sleeping. It's easy to tell, a sleeping mind is not conscious and feels veiled. She must have been even more tired than I thought.

"Should we wake Her Excellency up for you, Your Majesty?" the guard standing in front of the door asks me. "Do you need to discuss something with her?"

"W-what? Of course not!" I shake my head wildly. "I just wanted to make sure she's okay."

I frown at him, angry that he'd seriously do that if I commanded it. I was out for ten days when I was recovering and it seems a lot of things have changed during my absence. Our bodies have kept adjusting, everyone's wings are much bigger now. But it's mainly subtle things that make me nervous. The way Draconians behave and it's becoming more and more prominent. How differently they think. How I think.

I head to our apartment. I promised Erik I won't be late and it's already ten past seven. I'm not in a particularly good mood but my worries dissolve immediately when I reach our living room. Erik is waiting for me with a huge bowl of popcorn and a grin on his face.

"I was thinking we could have a movie night," he says. He's changed into comfortable homely clothes I haven't seen on him for a long time.

"Oh," I'm pleasantly taken aback. "Okay?"

"We haven't done this since it all started," he pulls me close and kisses me. "Let's celebrate your recovery and today's successful meeting."

"Alone?" I whisper and I look around because Cien the maid is bringing some blankets for us and my guards are standing at the door.

"Alone, they'll leave soon," he assures me. "Let's get you changed into something more comfortable too."

I'm glad for that. While I got perfectly used to Celestial fashion by now, this ceremonial robe is rather hard to move in and I don't want to stain it accidentally. Erik helps me change into my sleeping kimono and puts a light robe on me so that I'm not cold. My shoes are exchanged for warm slippers that match Erik's. At least something we can have the same.

When we return to the living room, Cien is putting two pizzas on the coffee table and the guards are slowly leaving.

"Enjoy your evening, Your Majesty, Royal Consort," she smiles at us and closes the door behind her.

"Finally alone!" I celebrate. "Aren't you going nuts by so many people being around us all the time?"

"A bit," he admits and we spend a few moments cuddling.

"Our pizza will go cold," Erik realises and has to gently push me aside because I'm not willing to let go. "We have the whole evening free, love. There'll be time and place for more cuddling. I'm afraid I have to agree with the doctor that you have to eat."

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