5.1. Meeting IRL - Part 1

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I slowly take off my helmet. My hands are trembling and I still can't believe it. What if it's not just the helmet's or the game's fault? What if I lost my immersion ability forever? VR was my only silent place where my mind could relax if I don't count sleep. And also my source of income.

What will happen to me if it's permanent? How will I rest when emotions of others overwhelm me? How will I pay for school, my apartment and food? I can't return to Grandma, that's out of the question. She has no responsibility towards me anymore, I'm an adult. And she wouldn't want me back anyway.

I still need two years to finish my studies but they won't give me any student loan because I have debts already. I'd have to find another work. But how many jobs don't require any special qualifications? And would I be able to handle it with my telepathy? I guess I could start streaming retro games but there's considerably less money in that.

My eyes start to water but I bravely hold tears in and cuddle under the blanket. I realise I desperately wish to talk to Erik but at the same time I don't want him to see me this miserable. I want him to tell me everything's going to be okay and hold me in his arms. I want to kiss him and forget about the whole mess. But he must be sleeping after his night shift and I don't want to wake him up. I was selfish yesterday already.

"Uhm, stop," I clutch my head as if that would actually help to turn off all those leaking emotions around me. I gradually got used to the minds of my neighbours to the point they almost didn't bother me anymore but that was before my telepathy levelled up. Everything feels too damn strong now. It's maddening.

My phone beeps which, thankfully, distracts me.


I open my Vortex messenger and find that Liana and Gotrid are online. It'd be a good idea to add my other guild mates but I don't have their Vortex IDs. I sigh. We've been too strict with the code of virtual conduct and never made any attempts to pursue communication outside Draconia. And now, if the game crashes altogether, we'll lose all contact and that scares me. I do consider them my friends.

Ryuuto (6:43)

Guys, I can't connect at all. Compatibility failure. My back is red and swollen. Permission to panic?

Liana (6:44)

Don't. I'm ingame right now but, damn, it's crappy. Dropped to 65%.

Gotrid (6:45)

60% for me, ingame with Liana.

Ryuuto (6:45)

You're in?!

Liana (6:46)

Yeah, there's a way to connect Vortex chat to the ingame messenger. You didn't know?

I feel stupid. I've been using Vortex for years but I've never known about that function. Or maybe it was mentioned somewhere when I started using it but I blocked it on purpose because I was afraid people wouldn't leave me alone and disturb me when playing.

Ryuuto (6:47)

That's great! Add as many of our guild mates as you can while your immersion still allows you to log in. And other race rulers. Their immersion ability is also over 90% and it seems it drops more quickly for higher levels.

Draconia Offline vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now