14.1. I Need to Train My Magic - Part 1

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"Don't blame yourself, Ryuu," Erik is comforting me. "It would be out sooner or later."

"But later would be so much better!" I oppose, devastated.

"What are the reactions?" Ingri asks.

"As expected—enthusiastic from Draconians, fearful from humans," Fefnir says.

"But it's just a rumour, right? A hear-say," Erik is hopeful.

"I'm afraid not," Fefnir shakes his head, pissed. "Someone recorded Aefener when he was demonstrating it."

"Kurva," Erik swears in Czech. "Another fucking leaker."

"It just proves we have to establish some kind of inner circle that would consist of people we can really trust," Deminas says.

"You basically mean high-levels only," Twyla points out. "What about the majority of Draconians?"

"So we're sticking to this name?" Ingri ponders. "Draconians?"

"We have to name ourselves somehow," Fefnir shrugs. "It has a nice ring to it and people have already adopted it."

"Wait a sec," I realise. "Is every player of Draconia transforming? Even those who didn't play much or started the game just a few days ago?"

"A good question," Erik agrees. "People whose immersion level was very low should be weeks behind high-levels so we'll have to wait to know the answer, right?"

"Anyway, we have to start organising ourselves immediately," Deminas continues with the topic. "Unfortunately, I don't know how else to avoid leakers unless we invite only high-levels we know personally and are in our leading guilds."

"It seems so...," I'm searching for the right word, "snobbish."

"Just for the time being," Twyla says diplomatically. "We can have proper elections later."

I stay doubtful but my friends are eager to pull this plan through.


"Ryuuto, for Christ's sake!" Erik shouts in horror.

"W-what?" I get startled.

"You're spilling it!"

I look at my soup to find out that it's spiralling wildly and leaking over the edge. I've been checking my phone during lunch and haven't touched my meal for a minute or so. And in that minute I was distracted, the soup started doing weird shit.

"I... I wasn't doing it on purpose," I defend myself.

"Aefener, you have to start training right away," Liana widens her eyes. "Your powers are getting out of control. Next time you might start heating the air and hurt someone."

"Shouldn't spells require some kind of preparation even here?" I feel overwhelmed. "Like chanting, transfiguration symbols... I don't know."

"It's probably just a usage of your spontaneous telekinesis," Erik says.

"Li, did you try magic?" I ask.

"Of course," she nods. "Nothing happened. I mean... I feel my mana. At least I think I do. But I haven't managed to actually move anything just with my mind yet."

"What about now?" Fefnir throws a tray at her without any warning.

Liana shrieks, twitches and... the tray flies into a different direction.

"You can do it!" he grins victoriously.

"Du Trottel! You stupid prick!" Liana is furious. "Don't go scaring me like that!"

Draconia Offline vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now