64.3. The Battle of Prague - Part 3

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I hurry to Liana who's panting and isn't able to get up. Soren is trying to channel more of his mana to her but channelling is no mana transplant, it's only a temporary boost for a forming spell—it can't be used to replenish the mana inside one's body.

"Soren, get her to our skyscraper, make her eat something and lie down," I order him. "If she objects, I give you the authority to see to it she rests."

"Aefener, I...," Liana gasps for breath.

"You did really well," I praise her. "I'm proud. Now go, your part is over."

As expected, Liana wants to protest but Soren hears no objections and heads for the skyscraper. That's one person taken care of, dozens more to go. Fortunately, the Earthborn are starting to flood the place from all directions. They were just waiting for the monsters to be gone. The Earthborn are no cowards but their powers are very peculiar and not fit for the front lines.

We land right in the middle and start helping immediately. The priority is to help those whose injuries are life-threatening or too painful to bear. It's not hard for me to find the first person to help. The pain I'm perceiving is so insane that it can mean only one thing—we have a Celestial with an injured wing.

I run towards the source, dragging Gotrid with me. My guards follow without objections because they suspect it's connected to my telepathy. In a narrow opening between two historical buildings, I find three Celestials in hiding. Two of them look okay but the person they rescued isn't.

"Y-Your Majesty!" they are relieved to see me and instantly calm down as if I'm the guarantee everything's going to be okay.

I shudder when I look at the Celestial woman they're holding. Her left wing is clearly broken, it's lying in an unnatural position. Just seeing it gives me goosebumps, not to mention I can feel her agony.

"I... I... I'm... so s-sorry... Your Majesty... I... I panicked and got h-hit...," she's stammering over tears.

"Shh, that's okay, Gwyn," I hug her and pull her name out of her mind. "You'll make a full recovery and fly again, I'll see to it personally. But I need to straighten your wing first," I say as softly as I can. "It'll be hellishly painful but it needs to be done."

"U-understood," she replies bravely and catches me around my back in desperation.

I take a deep breath because it won't be exactly pleasant for me either, then I activate telekinesis and straighter the bone in her wing with one snap. While it causes only mild nausea for me, poor Gwyn screams and faints. But it's done, the worst part is over.

I cast a level 15 healing spell and it actually works much better on a Celestial than any other race because her mana circuit is cooperating. I keep hugging her for several minutes, showering her wing with warm healing energy until it loses its immediate effect so I seal the spell and leave the rest up to her own body.

"She'll need a special fixation for the wing," I say when I'm finished and gently kiss Gwyn on her forehead. "I mended what I could but her wing will need much more time to heal."

"Your Majesty...," the two Celestials who carried her to safety are looking at me with almost religious awe. They're both Americans, newcomers just like her. Friends maybe? I bet they didn't expect a battle would be waiting for them the moment they reached Prague.

"She's stabilised, transport her to our skyscraper," I order them. "Use GPS on your phones and when you get there, ask for Julia and Noage. Julia is human but I trust her completely. You'll listen to what she says."

"As you command," they bow and with extreme caution lift off their friend and cast a levitation platform for her.

We return to the main street and I notice a handful of impatient Dragonkin already scavenging the monsters. I have to turn around when three of them tear off one of tripoderra's legs. Unbelievable, there're still people suffering all around them but they're rather focusing on the loot?! Our racial tendencies are manifesting more and more.

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