25.2. What Remains Human - Part 2

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A cough takes us both to reality. Fefnir is standing in the door with an amused expression. I turn red because I realise Erik has managed to seat me on the table and his hand is under my robe, between my wings. And for a Celestial that's pretty much as if he was reaching into my trousers.

"We have work to do, boys," he says matter-of-factly, not at all bashful about the position he found us in.

"R-right," I push Erik away and straighten my crooked robe.

Erik grins at me and leaves the briefing room. Fefnir plugs in his laptop, I switch on the 3D projector and we start calling the Dragonkin ruler Deminas in Russia. He picks up almost immediately, expecting us.

"My liege," Fefnir greets him and I feel deep respect coming from him. It's not an entirely human emotion because it goes way beyond casual respect to one's superior.

"Fefnir, Aefener," Deminas nods.

His transformation progressed again. Fefnir's did too, of course, but it's harder to notice when I see him every day. Deminas's horns are almost twenty centimetres long now and his head is starting to look really dragon-like.

I glance at Fefnir to compare them. He's only a few days behind the Dragonkin Patriarch. And damn, he's big when I really pay attention to our differences. Fefnir's hands are three times my size, he must be struggling typing on keyboards. He could break my fragile bones with a single move. I look tiny sitting next to him.

"How are things in Russia?" Fefnir asks, oblivious to my inner monologue.

"I'm leaving my hideout in a few days," Deminas informs us. "I offered my place as a temporal refuge to a few people from my guild but it's just a family cottage. I can't possibly accommodate more Dragonkin here. The neighbours are starting to get suspicious."

"Should we ask Liana to transport you here?" Fefnir suggests.

"That's not wise," Deminas shakes his head. "We shouldn't concentrate all rulers at one place. Firstly, we would potentially be easy targets. Secondly, we have our people all over the world and most of them can't reach the EU. Moreover, those with supportive families have no reason to."

"Where will you go?" I ask.

"I was offered a better suited place by a guy from another guild," he says. "Funny, ingame we were rivals, now we're more than happy to cooperate. He even calls me his Patriarch even though we used to be exemplary frenemies before."

"We don't have the luxury to quarrel among ourselves about nonsense," Fefnir shrugs. "We have to unite no matter what. Our personal differences aside."

"Exactly, my Viceroy," Deminas agrees and looks back at me. "Do you know what they are saying about Celestials in Russia, Aefener? Religious people, I mean."

"Ehm... no?" I say and don't like the vibe I'm getting from him. "It's Ingri and Fefnir who are analysing public opinions."

"That you're real angels and apocalypse is upon us," he says darkly. "It sounds ridiculous, I know, but lots of people are starting to incline towards it. You doing miraculous magic isn't helping."

"That video five days ago was an accident, I didn't know I was being filmed," I explain quickly. "It won't happen again, I promise."

"Be careful, Aefener," he grunts. "You Celestials are the only race with a religious reference whether you like it or not. We Dragonkin might look like humanoid dragons which is intimidating but that's pure fantasy. Your race, on the other hand, even if looking most human, won't have it that easy when persuading common people that you aren't what they take you for."

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