31.3. Royal Quarters - Part 3

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"I'm sorry but I have to say it. Liana, you dumb!" I berate my Viceroy.

"Uhm," she whines, not able to defend herself and not even wanting to because she knows that my anger is justified.

She's lying in her bed, curled underneath a blanket, her black wings poking out.

"Passed out!" I continue berating her. "What were you thinking coming to work when you weren't feeling well?"

"I thought that I can manage somehow," she mumbles and whines again because I pull one of her feathers.

I shake my head and look at Julia. She just shrugs and sighs theatrically. There's no fixing our always overworking Liana.

"It's because the others are still working," she finally manages to come up with an excuse.

"The others aren't Celestials," I remind her.

It's been six days after the growth of my wings started accelerating and the transformation of the rest of Draconians began to speed up as well. People whose previous VR compatibility was high have it very turbulent again while those with lower levels more gradual. But overall most people are, fortunately, copying quite well. It's only high-level Celestials who are really struggling and have to be taken care of.

"How come she doesn't have to in the infirmary?" I realise that Dr Stein didn't insist on that in Liana's case.

"Because she doesn't have any difficulties breathing," Julia says.

I frown. Why do I always have it worst? Fefnir seems totally fine, Emi just complains a bit that her feet are hurting and she can't run as fast and Ingri is totally fine.

"Soo sleepy," Liana suddenly yawns.

"Right, let her rest, Ryuu," Erik nods. "Mrs Hana will take care of her."

"N-no, don't go," Liana surprises me by catching my sleeve. It seems she's done with being brave, at least in front of us. We're the lucky few who see her vulnerable part. The part she's hiding from the world for which she's the Laura Richter there's no messing with.

I don't want to stay with humans only, she sends me a desperate thought. I know that it's irrational—Hana is my trustworthy housekeeper—but... I just...

I know. Don't worry, I'll stay then, I assure her, honoured that she trusts me so much.

"Erik, let's stay a little longer," I say aloud. "Liana doesn't have an amazing boyfriend who would stay with her no matter what. Hana is great but she won't... you know... she's not Celestial."

Erik sighs because he was hoping to have me for himself today but he understands. Besides, he knows perfectly well that there's no ulterior motive between us. Liana is my best friend and my Viceroy.

She's might not be my lover but I realise my love for her isn't any smaller than for Erik. My bond with her was growing stronger and stronger without me noticing until it got to the point it's become unbreakable. A bond of friendship so strong I'd have never thought it possible. A bond of Celestial friendship that goes beyond any human emotion.

"Ouch," Liana cries and her wings cringe in a spasm.

I don't have to think about what is the right thing to do. I lie down beside her, cover her with my right wing and hug her tight. I try to alleviate her pain and I'm surprised how easy it is. I connect to her fully, the way I do with Erik. A bit differently, of course, but fully for the first time.

Her mind is open and she willingly lets me in. And I finally discover how it feels like to rest in a mind of another Celestial. A mind that's like my own.

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