17.1. A Telepathic Interrogation - Part 1

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"K-kidnap me?" I stutter and can't believe it. Their target was me? Not Liana?

"The security interrogated the intruders but it was the only information they got from them so far," Erik says. I feel he's anxious and angry at the same time while the only emotion I manage is shock and total disbelief. Why me?

We arrive in the study and everyone looks up, startled, because they weren't expecting me. Julia is here as well and Hana is serving snacks. Only the people who know about my telepathy are present so I relax and can speak freely.

"Ryuuto, you should be resting," Julia shakes her head in disapproval.

"I felt Liana needs me," I oppose and I'm surprised how nice it is not having to hide anything anymore. These are the people I can trust. My friends.

"Damn, Aefener," Liana slaps her forehead. "You sensed that? I wanted to let you rest for a few more hours but it seems nothing eludes the telepath."

"Yes," I simply nod but my friends are impressed nonetheless. I'm so glad I don't have to play ignorant. "So... what do you need me for?"

I sit down on the sofa because chairs are all taken. Mrs Hana presents me with snacks immediately. She's a bit uneasy around me but otherwise she seems to be taking it well.

"Try at least something small," Erik persuades me. "Or I feed you another protein drink."

I hesitantly go for a chocolate cookie.

"Shouldn't he eat something healthier, doc?" Erik sighs over my selection because he was hoping I'd choose some canapés.

"Hard to tell in case of Celestials," she shrugs. "Their bodies might process sugar differently from humans. Let's be glad Ryuuto eats at least something for now."

"So... what do you need, Li?" I repeat and slowly nibble into my cookie. It's homemade, wholemeal and full of quality chocolate so actually not as unhealthy as Erik fears.

Liana sighs. It's evident she doesn't want to ask me for that thing but she has to. The others feel uncomfortable as well. Fefnir is almost crushing the chair's handle and Ingri is pale.

"The intruders won't to talk," Liana says. "It took several hours to get at least their objective. As for their employer... they refuse to tell even though my security is very good at persuading."

"W-wait," I almost choke on the cookie because I feel something dark coming from her. "You mean... did you torture them?"

"Not exactly torture, no," she shakes her head. "I'm not a monster, Aefener, come on. But my security has their methods."

"B-but won't you have problems? Shouldn't you give them to the police? What about their rights?" I'm shocked.

"You really are an idealist," Liana looks at me, amused but content. "It's not practical for today's world and the world we're entering into but our Emperor is supposed to be like that."

"What do you need me for then?" I gulp.

"I know that it's a lot to ask, but...," she's carefully choosing every word, "I beg you to interrogate them telepathically."

I gasp for breath and drop my cookie.

"You can't be serious, Laura," Erik hisses. "Ryuuto's head still hurts after the incident, he doesn't feel comfortable connecting to unknown people and you want to make him connect to those bastards who were after him? Do you want to traumatise my boyfriend?"

"I'm asking him, not ordering," she lowers her eyes. "I know that I'm asking for a lot but we need to crack it as soon as possible."

I'm considering it for a while. Just the idea of connecting to those people disgusts me but at the same time my ability can finally become useful to others. Plus, I do need to train it.

Draconia Offline vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now