27.1. We Can't Rely on Humans - Part 1

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"The incident with that Eartborn was eye-opening. Our rulers have to be protected and we shouldn't rely on humans," the Celestial says calmly. "Their loyalty is... questionable."

"Hey, we're hired professionals bound by contract while you're just a bunch of ex-gamers," Karl the bodyguard speaks up, pissed. I rarely ever hear him talk but the Celestial offended him deeply. It seems he really takes pride in his job.

"Is this toy yours, human?" the Celestial purses his lips in provocation and, for a reason I can't understand, he's holding a gun in his hand.

"W-what the...?" Karl reaches for his belt but the weapon case is empty. Did that Celestial take it using telekinesis?!

Karl widens his eyes in surprise but his training immediately kicks in. However miraculous our magic is, Celestials are hopeless at anything physical and the bodyguard is well aware of that. His movement is too quick for a fragile winged person so the Celestial is suddenly lying on the ground with Karl easily overpowering him and claiming his gun back.

I get goosebumps under my feathers because all the Celestials around us activate their mana and are about to hit Karl with telekinesis while remaining bodyguards pull out their guns. I'm prepared to protect Karl with my own telekinesis if it comes to the worst but my Viceroy readily steps in.

"Stop it this instant!" Liana shouts, seriously furious now. The anger I can feel from her isn't human emotion, it's genuine Celestial wrath. Just like when we caught that leaker in her mansion, only this time it doesn't astonish me as much. It feels to me somehow more natural than human anger.

"B-but Your Excellency, that human...," the Celestial lying on the ground gasps for breath.

"That man is my employee and I will hear no more, do you understand?" she hisses through her teeth and lets her mana leak.

Thanks to her intervention, I can analyse the situation more as a bystander and better focus on details. It seems leaking one's mana will really become a Celestial equivalent of the Dragonkin intimidation technique and it's something we started doing naturally without thinking.

"As you wish, Viceroy," the Celestial stops struggling and the others stand back. The bodyguards put their guns back to the cases and Karl slowly releases the Celestial. But irritation is still in the air.

"D-damn," Erik sighs out, clutches my hand and switches to telepathy. That was seriously crazy, Ryuu. What the hell just happened?

It was as if the Celestial nature clashed with the human one, I answer, unsure.

"Everyone into the briefing room," Liana clicks her tongue and her tone doesn't allow any disobedience.

The briefing room is on this floor so we find ourselves sitting in the conference chairs just a few moments later. Except for my friends, the place is full of Celestials which is an unusual sight. I got used to our gang consisting of all races.

"So first of all, incidents like this can never happen again, is that clear?" Liana starts sharply and is eyeing the Celestials sternly. "The humans who stayed in my skyscraper do want to help us, don't forget that."

"Yes, Viceroy," the group mumbles obediently.

"Secondly," she continues. "Were you serious about that preposition?"

"Of course," the Celestial man who disarmed Karl nods and the others follow. I feel great resolution coming from them.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Vermiel, Your Majesty," the man smiles. "I used to be the guild master of Crossed Spells but it probably doesn't ring a bell to you, we were just a medium-sized guild for casual players. Still, my ingame level was 68."

Draconia Offline vol. 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz