74.3. What Matters - Part 3

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I feel well-rested when I wake up which means that I must have been sleeping for several hours instead of the light nap I was intending. I rub my eyes and look around. The lights are dimmed and my partners are soundly sleeping next to me. It's night already.

I search for Liana with my mind and discover that she's asleep as well. That's highly unusual for her, but then I count how many hours have passed since the attacks and realise nobody can stay awake for that long. Even in crisis, generals and politicians have to sleep sometimes.

My throat is dry and my stomach rumbles loudly. My body demands to be fed again because my mana circuit is working tirelessly on replenishing my energy. I don't feel like sleeping more and the hunger is urgent, so I decide to get up. I slowly move between Erik and Gotrid, not wanting to wake them up. They didn't have time to rest properly at all, always taking care of me.

I kiss them on their foreheads, touching their sleeping minds and trying to give them some pleasant feelings that will hopefully project into their dreams. I also soothe them so that they won't wake up when I carefully slip from their embrace.

A good night's sleep healed my headache and I feel much stronger. I try standing up and my legs hold me. A slow walk with frequent rests is the best I can do right now, but I'm mobile again and that gives me a reason to celebrate. I fold my wings and open the curtain surrounding our bed.

Four guards are positioned in the room, two standing by the door, and two by the window. I knew that, but it still makes me uneasy. Guards in our bedroom—the room that is supposed to be our only private space, the only one that's left. I hope it's just an emergency measure for now or I swear I'll make an unsightly scene to Liana and the Guard Captains.

"Your Majesty...?" the guards on night duty are startled by my sudden appearance from behind the curtain.

"I'm hungry," I announce simply. "Let my Consorts sleep, they need to rest."

They want to offer me support because they can see I'm hardly walking, only a second later realising they don't have permission to touch me. They can't even touch the person they are protecting, how messed up is that? I feel like the Emperor through and through now, yet these things still unnerve me. Will I ever get used to it?

"Just open the door," I sigh.

The guards in the lobby are even more surprised and immediately call for the maids before I can stop them. I sigh again. I didn't want them to wake up Cien and Ayala, they deserve to rest as well. However, it's not them who come to serve me. Two new faces wearing the same maid uniforms appear. These girls are young, too damn young. Did they even finish high school? They look the same age as Ingri.

"And you are...?" I tilt my head, confused because nobody told me I would be getting new maids. Not that I'm surprised, I'm never consulted when it comes to the Royal Quarters and my well-being and I pretty much gave up on that.

"My name is Yrienne, Your Majesty," a girl with brown skin, green eyes, long wavy hair and hazelnut wings with white speckles introduces herself with a deep bow.

"And I'm Kaileen, Your Majesty," a second girl with Asian features, a blue pixie haircut and grey wings, follows.

I study their faces. I've never seen them before, but their telepathic imprints seem vaguely familiar. I bet they came from the States after the conference and they were in the flock with Soren. The girls get nervous because I'm not saying anything and are staring at me with total devotion. They are overjoyed just to be in my presence.

"They are your new maids, Your Majesty," Vermiel shows up and looks like someone who's just been woken up. "Why are you up? It's only four in the morning. What about your Consorts? Are you sure you should be walking so soon?"

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