41.2. (Un)Bound - Part 2

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I want to somehow turn the conversation to my finished transformation during the day but I don't get any favourable chance. We're so busy that we have just a sandwich for breakfast while already dealing with more meetings. As for lunch, Bauerova invited some members of her government to discuss how Bohemia should continue supporting us.

In order not to embarrass myself, Liana sits right next to me, our wings touching, and gives me hints which cutlery to use and when. I have no idea how one can enjoy formal lunches. I'd like to focus on my meal but, instead, the invited ministers just go on discussing work, not bothering with any actual break.

"Ryuu, finish that," Erik nudges me because I don't feel like eating everything on my plate when I can't properly enjoy it. "Luvi told me you have a medical check-up at four and I don't want to hear from Julia that you lost weight again."

I resist rolling my eyes but I eat the rest. Liana looks at me approvingly.

You don't have to be special in everything, you know? She tells me in her thoughts, half-jokingly. We Celestials should naturally have a great appetite because of our fast metabolism and calories being converted into mana. Yet, for some reason, our Emperor is an exception again and we have to constantly force you to eat properly.

I'm trying, I sigh in my mind.

In the afternoon, we call our Celestial communities all over the world. After that, Liana makes me record another official statement. She doesn't say so explicitly but I have no doubt it'll appear on the main news. I decide not to confirm that, choosing blissful ignorance.

"Medical check-up, then training," Luvi reminds us when political work is finally over.

I haven't been nervous about visiting the infirmary ever since I befriended the doctor but I get a bit nervous now. Julia is working on analysing my DNA, right? Will she have some early results? Will she find out that my transformation is over?

The infirmary has changed rooms it seems, the guards lead us just two floors under the main offices. I meet countless Draconians hard at work and minding their business until I show up. While they behave much more orderly because they apparently got important jobs within our headquarters, my appearance still causes a stir.

"Have you fully recovered, Your Majesty?"

"Oh, your right wing is still missing some feathers!"

"You protected all of us!"

I'm trying to smile at everyone while my guards make some space so that we can pass. Fortunately, my guards are evidently well-respected so nobody dares to bother me too much. Erik's influence is also helping a lot. He's menacingly frowning at anyone who comes too close and is hugging me behind my back protectively.

I'm comforting myself that they just have to get used to me, that's all. I'll be better when I finally get to know everyone in our administration personally. So far, they mainly know me from the media, no wonder they make a fuss. Whether I like it or not, I became the face of Draconia. It's creepy to think that I probably come up in every internet search with connection to the Great Evolution and new races.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty," Julia opens the door because she must have heard the commotion coming from the corridor. "You're just twenty minutes late, that's good."

"Just?" I sigh. "Sorry for being late, Julia, we had an important online meeting with the Asian Celestial community."

"Don't be sorry, it's not like you're late on purpose," she waves her hand and shows us inside.

"Oh, neat!" Erik comments enthusiastically and looks around.

I also scan the room. The space is half infirmary, half laboratory. Everything is brand new and super modern. Julia isn't here alone, I notice her Earthborn assistant she was mentioning. So that's the guy who knows my secret and I haven't even met him until now? That's sooo weird!

Draconia Offline vol. 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang