Valentine's Special

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My heart skips a beat when I check the calendar. It takes my brain a few seconds to fully comprehend what the date means. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! I suddenly feel guilty that I let it slip because I was looking forward to celebrating it with my two wonderful partners, but I'm always so busy that I can hardly keep track of the days, especially when my subjects are doing it for me.

I look at Erik and Gotrid who are discussing our current task with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I don't notice any disturbance in their minds so they must have forgotten as well. Or maybe they're not into celebrating Valentine's? They're both extremely romantic, but Erik doesn't like commercial holidays and I'm not sure about Gotrid's preferences.

I bite my lip. I wish to prepare something special for them tomorrow and I would even risk Erik thinking I'm being cheesy. But how to go about it? I have barely one day left and I'd like to surprise them. Which is the most difficult thing of all, I'm never alone.

Being the Emperor comes with many perks, but also a ton of disadvantages. I don't have any privacy, I can't just order stuff online, and I can't do anything outside the schedule. I have all this money, influence and numerous servants, yet preparing a surprise seems impossible. But I have to try.

"I'm taking a coffee break," I say nonchalantly and hope that my partners will ignore me. They don't. Of course, they don't. They immediately stop whatever they're doing.

"Can I have an introverted moment, please?" I ask, praying that I'm not being weird because I've never asked for something like that before.

Naturally, I need introverted moments every now and then in order not to go crazy from all that attention I'm constantly getting, but Erik and Gotrid always counted as part of my introverted space. I wouldn't want them to think that I need a break from them.

"Sure, the sooner we take care of this, the sooner we finish work today," Erik waves his hand and continues discussing the issue with Minister Laurin. Gotrid feels a bit sad that I don't want his company, but he doesn't think too much of it, fortunately.

I make sure my phone is in my robe and go to the relaxing lounge I call the chill area. I sit on the sofa, thank Cien for the latte she brings me automatically and I start browsing the Internet. It would be much quicker and more comfortable in the VR mode, but VR headsets aren't compatible with Draconian brains.

"What?" I frown and turn the phone's screen away from my adjutant Luviael who hardly ever leaves my side even when I want to be 'alone.' I sigh because I'm pretty sure she caught a glimpse.

"A feed of inspirational Valentine settings?" she's raising her eyebrows and there's a grin on her face.

"S-so what," I blush a little. "I want to prepare something nice for Erik and Gotrid tomorrow."

"And it didn't cross your mind to ask us for help?" Luviael shrugs. "I'll happily become your partner in crime, Your Majesty. Just tell me what you need. I promise not to say anything to your Consorts if you want it to be a secret surprise."

"Nothing too cheesy," I say, happy that I will be able to make it work after all. "A level nicer dinner than usual, candles on the dining table, a chocolate cake for a dessert, a bouquet and then a romantic bubble bath? I guess rose petals on our bed would be a nice touch."

We spend a few minutes browsing various inspirational feeds and Luviael is taking notes. I must be taking longer on my coffee break than normal because Gotrid stops by to pick me up.

"As much as I'd love to let you rest, I'm afraid we need you, love," he says apologetically. "We're almost finished, but Minister Laurin won't leave unless he gets your final approval. What are you doing anyway?" he narrows his eyes because Luviael is leaning too close to me.

Draconia Offline vol. 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang