69.1. Loyalties - Part 1

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"I did it, Erik! I did it!" I collapse in my partner's lap the moment I land on our balcony because I'm exhausted. Exhausted, but totally happy.

"I'm not sure what you did, but congratulations?" Erik kisses me and caresses my wings which are still shaking from overstraining.

"I reached my ultimate speed," I explain proudly, grinning from ear to ear. "And that officially makes me the fastest creature on the planet!"

"Congratulations again then!" he finally understands and kisses my face all over.

"You know that some birds like falcons and eagles can be really fast when diving after their prey?" I continue enthusiastically. "That's the speed when they are basically just falling down. But I can match that speed when flying in any direction I want!"

"He scared the hell out of us up there," Gotrid is panting and also collapses in the armchair. "One moment he's hovering peacefully, then he shoots up like a rocket and we lose him completely. The guards freaked out."

"But I came back immediately," I remind him. "I would never fly away again. Shouldn't you all be happy that I can do my Emperor speed now?"

"Happy and scared at the same time," Miruel folds her wings. "I have no idea how we will be able to match your new speed, Majesty."

"I won't be using it all the time," I set the record straight. "It's very taxing on my wings and mana consumption."

"And calorie consumption I bet," Cien speaks up, listening to our conversation from the door. "Lunch will be served in ten minutes."

We hurry to change our clothes and, in a few minutes, we're sitting in our dining room. I had no appetite after the incident with Taranah, but Zetraya's psychological intervention really helped me, then I successfully scolded my subjects and now I'm overjoyed that I achieved my ultimate speed. Long story short, it's a small miracle, but I find myself ravenous.

I gobble the starter in a few bites and, for once, my maids overlook my poor table manners. I quickly pour the soup down my throat and tell Ayala to give me a mountain of rice. Carbohydrates, I totally crave carbohydrates. Erik and Gotrid are grinning at me, content that they don't have to force me to eat, especially after what happened in the morning.

"Aefener, hi," Liana appears rather suddenly and unexpectedly. She's the only person in the entire world (apart from my partners, the guards and the maids, naturally) who doesn't have to officially ask to be let inside the Royal Chambers.

"Li, join us," I invite her.

"Do you feel okay?" she chews her lip, still not sitting down. "Sorry that I didn't come earlier, but I had to deal with Taranah and the EU representatives."

"I feel much better now," I swallow and ask for another helping.

"If you're eating, it must mean you do," she smiles and finally takes an empty seat at the table that's reserved for her anyway. "I want you to know that Taranah received exemplary punishment."

"Exemplary?!" I stop eating.

"Oh no, not like that," Liana waves her hand. "I know you wouldn't wish him any harm, but there are other ways how to punish a proud Celestial. Like making him clean toilets for a week."

Erik spits out his orange juice and I'm glad that I had nothing in my mouth at the moment because I'd probably end up with the same reaction.

"You made Taranah clean toilets?!" I need to make sure I heard right.

"I did," she grins gleefully. "And you should have seen that dread in his eyes when I sentenced him."

"I'd make it a whole month," Gotrid raises his eyebrows. "I didn't think you're so benevolent, Viceroy."

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