32.2. Acknowledged - Part 2

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I want to go after him but before I even manage to fold my wings, he's gone. It happened so fast that it takes me a while to process. I was so convinced that Erik can take anything weird I throw at him that I forgot to consider his feelings. His human feelings. Am I a terrible boyfriend? When did I ever stopped to think about Erik's needs? Was I selfish again?

"Are you okay, Aefener?" Emi puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know," I feel my eyes watering but I push the tears in.

"He'll come around," Fefnir says. "He's really resilient... for a human."

I know that he doesn't mean it in a bad way but I sense a hint of contempt. Not for Erik, of course, but for humans in general. This whole time I was afraid of newly emerging racism towards Draconians but it turns out it's we who might become the racist ones. Humans are simply afraid of us so the source of their hatred is fear. But in our case... we could start to see them as inferior to us which is potentially much worse.

"Up you go," Emi kindly helps me stand up. She's my dear friend but it's so different from when Erik is handling me.

"So what should we tell the security? I sense no danger," I say, seated in a chair which is really uncomfortable for Celestials.

"We have to let them keep searching until they find nothing," Fefnir thumbs against the table. "We can't exactly call off the search out of the blue."

"You really became the chief of security? What about... what was her name," I'm trying to remember the name of Liana's human employee I was introduced to the first day we relocated here.

"Diana," Fefnir answers. "We're actually working side by side. I'm pleasantly surprised how easy she feels in my presence. It gives me hope that humans like her, Erik and Mrs Hana exist."

Soft knocking on the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but the Prime Minister is on the phone," Anna the administrator says softly but urgently. "She wants to speak with Mr Aefener."

"His Majesty," Emi corrects her a little bit too sharply because the poor lady flinches.

"Of course, with His Majesty," Anna corrects herself quickly and her voice trembles. She's not truly afraid of us but I bet that seeing a room full of Draconians must be an intimidating sight.

"Thanks, we'll take it here," Ingri tries to smile to put her at ease. I notice that her eyes are starting to look unnaturally green. She catches that I'm staring at her face.

"Oh, did you finally notice?" she grins. "I'm trying to manipulate the colour of my irises. My King and Queen told me to start with that before I attempt to change other things."

I want to ask what other things but Anna coughs to remind us there're pressing matters at hand we must deal with. Ingri knows what to do and quickly reconnects the call to the conference room. The Prime Minister Bauerova appears as a hologram in the middle of the table.

"Your Majesty!" she blurts out, not bothering with a greeting. "Thank God you're feeling better, we need your help." Her face is flustered which is so unlike her. I guess it must be really urgent.

"Of course, what's the matter?" I ask apprehensively.

"It happened in Italy," she gulps. "Two Celestials were attacked by a group of fanatical believers. They were just trying to shop for groceries."

My heart skips a beat. Two of my people were assaulted? Million things go through my head at once. Are they okay? Did they defend themselves? And... were those bastards who did it punished? Celestial wrath wakes up within me and I suddenly feel responsible for the safety of my subjects. W-wait a minute! Did I just call them 'subjects' in my head?

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