19.1. She Hates Humans - Part 1

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Emi is sleeping when Liana's helicopter arrives. They must have given her quite a dose of sedatives because otherwise I can't imagine anyone would be able to sleep in such deafening noise. The bodyguard carrying her has a strange expression on his face. I don't have to touch him to guess what he's probably thinking right now—that he isn't transporting a human.

To be fair, Emi doesn't look very human anymore. Her body still has a humanoid shape but that's about it. She's covered in thick fur, has a tail and her ears have an animal shape. And I bet her skeleton keeps changing further because Clawfangs have differently built lower legs and, well, a muzzle.

"Gosh, we do need that psychologist," Julia is mumbling for herself. "People turning into lizards and cat creatures... that must mess with one's head."

"Actually, Emi is a fox," Fefnir says calmly and takes the Clawfang Alpha into his arms because the bodyguard is evidently uneasy carrying her. "And I'm fine with my transformation, thank you for asking directly."

"Oh, right, sorry," Julia slaps her forehead. "I'm just thinking aloud."

"You're really okay with it?" Erik is doubtful. "You do look like..."

"Like a dragon, Erik, just say it," Fefnir grins, revealing his pointy teeth. "To be honest, I'm surprised myself that I feel so good in my new body. But I do, really. And I bet Aefener does, too."

"Mmm," I nod and briefly touch Erik's palm to send him my feelings. After the initial shock, I began to truly like my new body to the point I can't imagine not having wings anymore. Their weight on my back is so comforting; I feel whole.

We arrive to the guest room which was prepared by the maids beforehand and Fefnir gently lies Emi into bed. Liana then dismisses all bodyguards and closes the door so that we can speak freely. Julia immediately starts tending Emi's minor injuries while Hana washes dirty places on her fur.

"Will you tell her about your telepathy when she wakes up?" Liana looks at me. "I mean... she'll become a member of our inner circle. To keep it a secret just in front of her would be a bother."

"I will," I say confidently. Huh, did I feel totally calm about it just now? Glad even that I can open up to another friend?

"But better take it slowly," Julia suggests.


Emi wakes up in the most dramatic way I've ever seen. The moment she opens her eyes, she's already jumping on her legs and bares her teeth.

"Emi, it's us!" Liana exclaims quickly because Emi growls menacingly.

"A-Aefener?" the Clawfang Alpha blinks, confused by the sudden change of scenery around her, but she immediately recognises my white wings and silver hair. She wobbles which makes her sit down. She must be still feeling numb. And scared. But she's also relieved seeing us.

"Sorry, Emi, they had to sedate you," Liana apologises. "You were... too wild to handle."

"I'm the one who should say sorry," Emi says weakly. "They wanted to help me but I couldn't think straight. I didn't hurt anyone too seriously, did I?"

"Just a few scratches, I paid them extra," Liana waves her hand.

"Thank you... for actually rescuing me," Emi whispers. "To be honest, I didn't hope anyone would really come for me. How did you even do it? Where am I?"

"Oho, Emi, you have no idea who she is, don't you?" Fefnir realises while pointing at my viceroy. "I'm Fefnir, by the way, if you haven't recognised my beautiful scales."

"Black wings, violet hair... Liana I bet," she takes a guess.

"I mean in real life," he specifies.

"You've been in hospital the whole time, Emi?" I ask because it'd explain a lot.

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