3.1. Level Up - Part 1

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Morning comes too soon but I'm used to it. I'm definitely not an early bird but school starts at ten o'clock so I have to get up. To my annoyance, I find out that proper sleep didn't help at all and my back hurts even more now.

I'll have to ask one of my lovers to give me a massage as soon as possible and maybe find some stretching routine online. I can't pay a professional masseur to do it; I'd probably go crazy to read thoughts of someone I'm not used to for an hour.

I quickly wash my face, look at myself in the mirror and sigh. I'm too skinny, Erik was right. Even my virtual avatar, that is really slim, has more meat on its digital bones. I've been making a New Year's resolution to eat better each January but I've always failed. I'm just too busy.

I check my phone—an unread message from Erik: a pissed one. I start typing a response.

Erik (7:23)

Moron, you left again.

Ryuuto (8:45)

Sorry, but you know I'm like that.

Erik (8:50)

I'll lock the door next time.

Ryuuto (8:51)

That sounds ominous. Please don't.

Erik (8:51)

Seriously, can't we have breakfast together?

Ryuuto (8:52)

I don't do breakfasts.

Erik (8:52)

You don't do many things. What are you so afraid of?

What am I so afraid of? Well, people finding out that I'm a freak, for one.

I scratch my hurting back, upset. For someone who doesn't have any extraordinary sensory powers, Erik sure is perceptive. I always have to be extra cautious around him which is part of the fun but at the same time it can be exhausting.

But Erik is special to me, I really like him. He thinks I treat him like any other of my lovers but that's not true. I've known him for over a year now and I've never been seeing anyone for that long. I always leave when things start to get too emotional; when my lovers' feelings start to drain me. Erik's feelings don't do that for some reason. Maybe I like him more than I realise.

My phone starts to ring. Talking about early birds...

"Send me a taxi, will you?" the old lady on the phone blurts at me.

Grandma. She looks annoyed as always when she has to call me because of something.

"Where to?" I ask and I'm trying to sound kind.

My sweet Gran is totally capable of calling her own taxi, she does send me the requested address via messenger right away, but she prefers I pay for it. Her philosophy is that she was taking care of me for fifteen years so I'd better start paying her back now that I'm independent. I have no problems doing her favours—she's my only family after all—if only her attitude was better.

"Great, and I'll send you my medical bill when I return from hospital," she mumbles and ends the call abruptly.

I sigh. How long does she expect me to pay for any extra expense of hers? It always starts like this in autumn. Her mood gets really bad when weather worsens and she starts visiting various doctors, demanding that I pay for everything. I guess I'll get her a spa retreat for Christmas again. It ends up being much cheaper and she treats me nicer after that. Or maybe I should send her to see a psychologist so that her bipolar disorder is finally diagnosed properly? New medicaments would really help her. If only she wasn't so stubborn about it.

Draconia Offline vol. 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora