43.3. Consequences - Part 3

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"Ryuu!" Erik scolds me and looks around in panic.

"Oh," I realise that I said it in front of everyone.

Fortunately, Miss Ortega and Dubois are standing far from us and Tateena is too busy making coffee for Fefnir. Only Ingri heard me. But still, what a blunder.

"Ryuu, you have to be more careful," Erik whispers and makes it look like he's just hugging me.

"I... I guess I became too relaxed," I admit, dumbfounded by my stupid mistake.

It'd have never happened just a few weeks ago. When did I stop fiercely guarding my secret? Did I relax too much around Draconians who serve and protect me? I wanted to stay tiny bit pissed at Liana for telling the others but can I really? In the end, I thoroughly enjoy not being so wary all the time.

"Emi is back!" I say again aloud, this time pretending that I'm reading her message on my phone.

"Where do you think you're going?" Erik pulls my sleeve because I make a step towards the door.

"To meet her halfway?"

"The talk can resume any time," Liana shakes her head. "I'm sure Emi is on her way here as we speak. Normally, she'd go to take a shower and rest but the situation is too dire and she knows it. Also, I'm pretty sure she wants to suffocate you with hugs."

As always, my Viceroy is right. Fortunately, the world leaders aren't done discussing yet and Emi arrives shortly. And goes for a crushing hug the moment she sees me.

"You idiot, why did you do such a stunt? I almost got a heart attack when I saw that video," she also berates me but not as emotionally strongly as Erik and Liana. Unlike them, she appreciates freedom above everything.

You know why, I answer telepathically.

They locked you in a gilded cage, she sighs and caresses my feathers.

I'd caress her soft fur in return but Clawfangs hate it from other people, claiming they're no pets. Truth be told, they do love petting but only from their lovers according to the lore whereas Celestials don't appreciate it only from other races and strangers. I've seen more than once when crossing the halls that friends were caressing each other's wings. I certainly love it from my friends.

"The meeting is resuming!" Luviael calls us back just as I'm about to ask Emi how it went in Vienna.

I'm really glad that Emi is here to represent her race and when we return, it turns out that Deminas and Twyla with Werden managed to connect as well, despite different time zones and the meeting being organised on such a short notice. I feel our position is much stronger with all of us present.

The human world leaders appear on the screen as well and their expressions aren't happy at all when they see all of us gathered. Unlike them, we're united and they know it.

"We're ready to push through anti-discriminatory laws," Delgado announces with an obvious aversion in his voice. "In return, we expect you to do everything in your power to calm your people down and stop the riots."

"Empty promises won't do," Emi assertively speaks up. She was a leader from the beginning, I admire her. "Clawfangs don't give a shit about grand gestures and Celestials have all the right to rage since it was their ruler who was attacked by humans for no reason. What do you propose specifically and when are you going to implement it?"

Human rulers take turns talking and it seems we're past empty promises. Mrs Duke presents us with a plan of action which is just a draft at this point but it's something. At last, they came to the understanding that we might be inexperienced as politicians but we won't let ourselves to be bullied. We're strong and getting stronger by each passing day.

"We want to coexist peacefully but you have to let us," Werden says emotionally. "We can help humanity, especially my race. The Earthborn might be able to reverse ecological catastrophes. Have you even seen what we can do already? We have first results manipulating genetic structures of plants, making them grow faster and be more resistant and that's just a beginning."

"But we won't become your subordinates," Twyla adds strongly.

"We get it that you're afraid of us," Deminas points towards his head that doesn't resemble human anymore, "but looks can be deceiving. The Dragonkin are actually the most peaceful Draconian race. We have to learn how to overcome prejudices... once again."

"Yes, we did study your lore that seems to be coming true almost to the letter," Delgado clears his throat. "I can see that the Earthborn can become potentially very useful for the environment, Clawfangs are quite wild but generally friendly and the Dragonkin, despite their formidable appearance, phlegmatic. Celestials, on the other hand, are clearly described as ambitious conquerors with a god complex. Please, enlighten me, Your Majesty, why shouldn't we be afraid of you specifically."

I frown. Why the hell is everyone so unnerved by my race? We didn't have a bad reputation ingame, did we? Also, we look most human. Seemingly.

Except we did have quite a bad reputation ingame, Aefener, you just ignored it, Liana resists clicking her tongue and does an equivalent of that in her mind. We were known as being arrogant and conceited. It's not as evident yet since we're still transforming but I'm afraid that after we level up...

"Because I won't allow it," I proclaim. "My partner is human if you haven't noticed. I'll never start hating all humanity and innocent people are in no danger because we're not like you."

Delgado blinks, confused.

"We're not humans who kill indiscriminately," I continue, not letting him interrupt me. "Despite what you might think, your human idea of conquest is totally misleading and can't be applied to us. When we say we won't do something because it's not in our nature, we just won't. You can count on that."

"We've had several incidents of Draconians attacking humans, though," Delgado remarks, unconvinced.

"Attacking or defending themselves?" I hiss. "I experienced it first-hand just a few hours ago, Mr President. I didn't defend myself and it didn't help at all. Next time I won't be as stupid. I learnt my lesson the hard way. Should humans keep attacking us, we will answer accordingly."

"Is that a threat, Your Majesty?" he pronounces my title with the same disgust but this time without any mockery.

"I'm just clarifying how things are," I answer calmly. "If war erupts between our species, it will be your doing. We won't attack without provocation, you have my word."

"What guarantee do we have from you?" Delgado narrows his eyes. "I'm sorry but just your word isn't enough."

"Except it is," I claim and flutter my wings. I quickly glance at Erik, hoping the rest of my speech won't hurt him. But I have to say it.

"My word is enough exactly because I'm not human," I finish.

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