35.2. Urge to Protect - Part 2

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The Celestials don't even think about disobeying me. I have their hands on me and it's anything if not disorienting to connect to so many at once. Thankfully, the adrenalin suppresses any kind of possible nausea. Fefnir opens the door and we barge in—into the room full of merry Draconians eating and chatting.

"Oh, it's His Majesty!"

"What is he doing here?"

"Lord Fefnir as well, awesome!"

Shit, really the worst place ever! The moment Draconians spot us, they start making a ruckus and flood to us. I hate having to use my powers against them but there's no other way. I've never done such a feat before but I somehow manage to create a telekinetic wave strong enough to push everyone away from us while making sure I'm not hurting anyone.

There's a second of absolute silence, shocked confusion and a bit more space so I can finally identify the specific humans whose minds emit absolute hate and destructive intent. As expected, they're wearing either maintenance of diner uniforms. I send that information to the guards and I'm pleased they're holding quite fine considering they had no idea I'm a telepath just a few minutes ago. Well, they do now.

For a second, those six intruders are confused by my sudden appearance but, being professionals, they realise in an instant that they've been found out. And they immediately reach under their staff uniforms.

"NOW!" I shout.

The air gets heavy with our released mana. Too much mana for simple telekinesis. Some of the guards are not good at mana channelling yet. But telekinesis is a basic racial skill for Celestials so all of them are able to make it work at least. Disappointingly, not everyone is able to hit their target or make the wave strong enough to render the intruders unconscious from such distance. I do with my targeted intruder but, sadly, I'm the only one.

At this point, genuine panic breaks out. Draconians and humans alike start screaming and trying to get out. I lose sight of the five remaining intruders in the crowd and shiver goes down my spine when I perceive their rising anger and hatred. Fefnir tries to subdue panicking people with his intimidation skill but with little effect. This is no honorary battle of wills, it's pure chaos.

And then the sound of a gunshot echoes ominously through the room and makes everyone even more panicky. Then another gunshot... and a cry of pain I feel too vividly to my own benefit. More gunshots follow... more tortured cries. The suffering and distress all around almost makes me lose my mind. My Celestial nature takes over completely. Not, that's not precise. My Emperor's nature—the burning urge to protect my people.

I'll smash those bastards to bits. Destroy them! I just have to see them!

I look up and the ceiling seems high enough so I decide to try levitation. I was able to do it once in my sleep and once when I was outside in Liana's mansion. But that time there was the wind to help me and in my sleep I wasn't exactly conscious to control that. I feel a repulsive power around me forming but it's not enough to lift me. Okay, wings, I know that you still need to grow some more but please cooperate with me here!

"Aefener, don't...!" Fefnir's eyes widen when he realises what I'm about to do and tries to stop me.

But he's too slow. I spread my wings, flap them mightily to create a thrust and push myself with the levitation spell. Momentarily, I suck all the air around me which makes everyone gasp. I am flying!!! Joy overcomes me but I can't lose myself in it right now. I keep flapping my wings so that I don't fall down, supporting myself with levitation while making sure I won't hit the ceiling. I quickly look around.

There they are, those motherfuckers! They managed to hurt four of my people! I hit the one closest to my left first and throw him against the wall. I don't bother controlling my strength and there's something satisfactory about that. The second one is hiding behind the counter so I drop the counter onto him. Damn, that was hard! I wasn't able to lift anything even remotely that heavy during my training.

I can feel my mana being depleted but I'm not done yet. Another gunshot is fired directly at me but, fortunately, the intruder misses. Close, that was too close! But I can't afford to waver. My instinct to protect is stronger than fear. The shot gives the intruder's position away so I use that to smash him. Why don't I feel any remorse?

Another one is standing by the sinks, apparently reloading. Oh, that's almost too easy. I feel thrill when I telekinetically tamper with the pipes, let the water burst out and lead it right onto her. And then I freeze it instantly. Will I get points for being inventive?

One more gunshot, no less ominous. Did someone get hurt again? Will I be able to heal them in time when the fight is over? Then I see peripherally that my pristine white feathers on my right wing are becoming red. For a second, I think it's rather funny—red isn't really my colour—until my brain finally decodes what happened.

The adrenalin rush fails me, my levitation fails me. Only the pain doesn't. My wings stop moving and I hit the ground. Too hard. Breathing is somehow difficult, did I break a few ribs? But I protected everyone, right? I have no regrets. I can feel Fefnir going berserk and taking care of the last intruder, we should be safe now. Erik should be safe.

And then I don't feel anything. The darkness is comforting at least.

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