Halloween Special - Part 2

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This special extra chapter happens outside the main timeline. It contains minor teasers of future events but no spoilers so it's safe to read for anyone past chapter 63. Enjoy! 😆

"It's even better than I hoped for!" I cry with joy when I open the box with my costume.

"My turned out pretty nice as well," Erik comments after opening his box. "I'm not looking forward to putting on make-up but I'll do it for you, love."

"How's yours?" I peek into Gotrid's box.

"The fake beard is as real and funny as it gets," he laughs. "Oh, I love the hat!"

"And my weapon?" I look around because I can't see it in the box.

"Here, arrived two days ago," Cien hands me a smaller box. Right, only now I realise the weapon isn't something Ingri would be able to make, nor Haldis because it's not exactly blacksmithing.

"We'll leave you to it, Your Majesty," Vermiel comes to check up on us before Cien closes the door of the walk-in closet. Only my partners and the maids have the privilege to see me naked. Besides, we want our costumes to be a surprise.

"How do I tie this?" I'm struggling with my costume and look at Erik who's putting on make-up while watching a tutorial on his tablet.

"Let me," Cien hurries to help out. "It's actually not so different from Celestial robes. The belt works on a similar principle."

"As if I can tie Celestial robes," I sigh and let her do the job. "Do you have a costume, Cien?"

"Naturally," she smiles. "Costumes are mandatory, are they not?"

"Thanks, go change then," I release her and have to roll my eyes because she hides behind the wardrobe door. She sees me naked every day and we're all gay here, yet she's shy about that.

"You're making it worse, love," Gotrid steals the comb from my hand.

I sigh resignedly and let him do my hair. He untangles my partial braid, combs it until my hair is perfectly even and then ties it into a high ponytail even though most of my dense hair is still left loose.

"How am I supposed to fight like that? It doesn't look convincing," I complain and fasten the weapon to my belt.

"But you're cute," Gotrid smirks and puts on the fake beard and a grey wig. "How do I look?"

"Hilarious," I giggle and steal his hat. "Not fair, I wanted to be a wizard!"

"You know Liana and Ingri would never agree to that," he claims his hat back.

"Ehm... guys? Do I look weird?" Erik turns to us, feeling uncertain.

Gotrid's first reaction is to chuckle but he doesn't because he has to admit that Erik did a very good job. He made his face unnaturally pale, there's a hint of a tiny bloodstream coming out of his mouth and he also went into the trouble of putting on fake pointy teeth and red contact lenses.

"But now I can't caress your face!" I realise.

"I refused to put on lipstick," he stands up and, to prove his point, he kisses me, careful not to ruin his make-up.

"My sexy Dracula," I purr.

"Permission to taste your royal blood?" he dares.

"Are you sure my Celestial blood isn't an instant vampire killer?" I play coy.

"We'll be late!" Cien reappears, suddenly finding out we took longer than expected.

"Wow, nice costume!" Gotrid whistles.

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