14.2. I Need to Train My Magic - Part 2

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Fefnir didn't faint but he fell into deep sleep right after that. Liana's bodyguards had to carry him into his bed because his body is too heavy for us. And he'll get even sturdier—the Dragonkin are all scales and muscles.

Are you okay? Erik asks. No headache?

No, I wasn't connecting to him so I didn't feel it that intensely. And it seems I got used to my friends' minds by now so there shouldn't be any problems in the future. I really like them so it's only Dr Stein I'm not comfortable with. But one person is nothing.

"Li? What is it?" I look towards her because she's frowning over her laptop.

"Going through all the work that cumulated while I was indisposed," she sighs. "Hana and my assistants did their best but lots of things require my authorisation. Also," she chews her lip, "the government keeps pushing me again since your telekinesis is out."

"Is it bad?" I shiver.

"Well," she clicks her tongue, "the only thing that prevents them from claiming you is the fact that you're under my protection. If you stayed home..."

"He'd be locked up somewhere and experimented on," Erik finishes the sentence, his expression grim.

"But lots of high-levels will go through their transformation in a few days," I oppose. "Why are they so interested in me specifically?"

"You're still the patient zero," she reminds me. "And I think they suspect your miraculous ingame magic ability might transfer here. Which is something we need to confirm for ourselves as well so keep training, Aefener."

"Do you think our spellcasting will actually work?" I say. "I doubt saying some made-up fantasy words will actually produce a spell. As if I would say 'Ignis Minor' and that casts a small flame."

To demonstrate it's a nonsense, I put up my palm, focus just as I would in the game and try channelling that vibrating energy I feel inside me. And, contrary to my belief, my palm lights up!

"Ah, dammit. O-ouch!" I scream and in panic try to shake the flame off because it's burning my skin.

"Oh my God!" Liana shrieks but for a different reason. The little flame got on the bedsheet and is spreading.

The only person who keeps their cool is Erik which isn't that surprising considering his occupation. He quickly takes a pillow and extinguishes the fire in time. Then we stare at the black hole in the bedsheet and my burnt palm for a while.

"Ryuu, are you okay?" Erik speaks first and takes a look at my palm.

"N-no," my eyes water. "It fucking hurts. It didn't ingame."

"Well, this is the real world and you did materialise a flame on your skin, dummy," Erik says lightly to calm me down.

Liana gains her composure and calls Dr Stein. The doctor glares at my burn with her mouth open wide so Liana has to nudge her to do the job.

"We need a safe environment to practice," Liana summarises while Dr Stein is tending my injury. "It's confirmed that magic can get easily out of control and that was only a level 1 spell."

"We have to announce it immediately," Erik says and is hugging me because I'm still in a shock. "Someone could seriously burn their house or hurt themselves when experimenting."

"Announce what?" Ingri enters the room. "Sorry, I had a call with my parents."

"That," Liana points to the blackened sheet. "Aefener tried Ignis Minor and it actually worked."

"I still don't understand how some made-up spell can work in the first place," I say and my voice is trembling. "I can somehow digest telekinesis but this?"

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