23.2. Frail But Not Weak - Part 2

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Julia insists I rest for the rest of the day because I developed a headache after that. In addition, I was still quite dizzy so Erik had to carry me. But I don't like doing nothing when my friends are working. It makes me anxious. I hate my stupid body for being so weak.

"You're thinking something funny," Erik pokes me right between my frowning eyebrows. "You're not weak, just... frail."

"That's the same thing," I roll my eyes.

"There's a huge difference, love," he pulls his arms around my back and under my wings. "Magic-wise, you'll probably become miraculously strong. That's why the governments are so afraid of you already. It's just your body we must carefully watch out for. See, you're not weak."

"All Celestials have weaker bodies compared to other races but it seems as if I got that racial penalty three times worse," I mumble, discontent. "Whatever in my DNA made telepathy possible also messed some other things."

"You're you," he leans ever closer. "And I love you as you are. Besides, what a nice mess," he pinches my face gently. "You know I love your androgynous looks."

"That... I do know," I admit and finally smile.

"You don't have to hide yourself anymore, Ryuu," he kisses me on my cheek. "Be proud of who you are and how you look like. Don't pretend to be something you're not. Me and your friends accept you unconditionally. You don't need anyone else's approval."

"Erik," I whisper and kiss him back.

I push him on his back and climb onto him. My wings fall to the sides, trembling and excited. I start unbuttoning his shirt between feverish kisses while he tries to undo my robe. I heard some people are turned on by having sex in cosplays and it seems that might be Erik's new quirk. I can feel that he absolutely adores me in the Celestial attire.

"Too many layers," he laments a bit because undressing me is hard work.

When our bodies connect, I establish the deepest telepathic connection. And once again I'm not able to examine how it influences my boyfriend. I'm just not able to think reasonably when he's in me. Our mutual attachment is strong. Probably too strong. It might become a problem in future, I know that, but at the same time I'm not able to do anything about it.

"W-wings," I let out.

He moves his palms from my hips and touches me there. I immediately get goosebumps when he runs his fingers through my feathers. It's pleasant when my friends are petting me but only Erik's hands are miraculous and bring me the highest joy.

I don't care about anything else in moments like these. I even forget that bugging shadow of a feeling that I might be making him addicted to me even more when I envelop him into my wings and my mind.


We went to sleep very early last night so we wake up early the next day. We cuddle for a few minutes and then spend another few minutes just lying in each other's embrace and feeling ourselves through my telepathy. I don't want to ruin the moment by examining our connection but I know I have to do it at some point. The sooner the better.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you," Erik scratches me gently on my left wing because he feels my itching. "Would you rather I call you Aefener?"

"Huh? Why?" I don't understand where it's coming from.

"Liana seemed to insists on that pretty intensely during our meeting with the officials," he explains. "And now that I'm thinking about it, I don't even know Fefnir's, Ingri's and Emi's real names."

"I actually like my human name," I say. "And I especially love hearing it from you. So keep using it because nobody else does anymore. Even Julia and Hana are slowly switching to my gaming name lately."

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