74.1. What Matters - Part 1

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The whole Draconian government gathered in the Royal Quarters and the atmosphere is as tense as it gets. By this time, the breakthrough news is on all media platforms, but nobody knows anything solid. The only information we got is that Delgado was killed, presumably by his own people. It doesn't seem even real.

"But what would it even mean if it's legit?" Erik is shaking his head violently, struggling to accept this strange new reality.

"Your Majesty, do you want to make an official statement?" Laurin asks me.

"No, we wait," I decide. "The States might be behind the attacks, but with Delgado dead, we lost our primary target."

"But the American government obviously used him as a scapegoat," Laurin opposes and his wings are shaking with anger.

"We won't do anything until we know more," I forbid and have to use a bit of my telepathic influence to calm everyone down. I understand that everyone is angry and scared, but I won't allow brainless revenge.

"His Majesty is right, we wait," Liana agrees. "We're not humans to wage a war based on unclear premises."

"Focus your wrath elsewhere if you're impatient," I suggest. "Like powering up the shield, I feel that it will need charging soon. Use your extra mana for our protection if you can't sit still."

"The crystals are running out of mana? So soon?" everyone is surprised and quite disturbed by the revelation. They didn't start to panic only because I'm perfectly calm about it.

"The crystals were prepared in haste, so they aren't perfect mana batteries yet," I explain the probable cause. "Luvi, call Rina and Nestelle here and tell them to bring a few crystals. I want to inspect them myself."

"You shouldn't be working so hard, love," Gotrid pets my feathers. "You're still recovering."

"I won't be charging them, I just want to see the mechanism," I assure him. "The US government will probably be too busy with their internal affairs for a few hours and I want to do something useful in the meanwhile."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Luvi bows and goes to fulfil my order.

Not wanting to use telekinesis unnecessarily, I stretch for a glass of water in front of me. My head is starting to pound with a mild headache because emotions in the skyscraper are too turbulent. However, the glass slips from my weakened grip and the water inside spills on the table. The room grows unnaturally quiet and everyone is staring at the enlarging puddle.

"That's okay, Your Majesty, it's nothing," my maid Cien hurries to take care of the mess immediately.

"Do you feel sick, love?" Erik puts his palm on my forehead to check my temperature. "You should be resting, take a nap."

"Just a usual headache," I say carefully because even such a minor thing can make Celestials all panicky. "And I'm not sleepy. Give me some cookies and I'll be fine."

"We're really sorry, Your Majesty," our Minister of Finances Evaniel apologises guiltily, speaking for everyone. "We're making you work during your recovery. If the situation didn't demand it..."

"I know," I wave my hand. "Those cookies...?"

"There you go, hon," Gotrid passes me a plate. There are always freshly baked cookies scattered around our apartment to make me snack.

I don't feel particularly hungry right now, but I need to replenish my mana as soon as possible, so I bite into one right away. I have to get stronger if I want to keep protecting my people. I can't go down like this every time I cast advanced magic. Why is my body so frail? Why can't I put on weight? The embodiment of magic can't be so...

"Hey!" Erik suddenly pulls my feathers which makes me almost spit the cookie. He would never hurt me, of course, but he sometimes uses it as a Celestial equivalent of nipping. Especially when he needs to scold me and I wouldn't listen otherwise.

"Seriously, love?" Gotrid gets angry because he also felt what went through my head.

"You know that your secret telepathic communication is really confusing most of the time and often downright rude to the people in the same room," Liana is annoyed with us. "What happened?"

"Ryuu blamed himself for not being strong enough and felt bad about his frail body just now," Erik tells on me which is a thing he does without remorse, presumably for my own good. I suspect Gotrid will join him in this sooner than later.

The Ministers look shocked, they don't understand. But Liana does. She lands on her knees in front of me and gently takes my hands into hers.

"Why would you think that, Aefener?" she asks and gives me her softest voice, so unlike her usual Viceroy tone. "You saved hundreds of people and you still blame yourself for not being strong enough? Do you realise what nonsense that is?"

"I...," I'm not sure how to answer that.

"It's our fault," Liana sighs. "We're putting all responsibility on your frail shoulders and expect miracles from you. And then you feel bad even after you deliver us a miracle, just because you feel exhausted afterwards? That's messed up. It means we messed up because we made you feel that way. But we're here for you and we always will be. Please, don't think that way anymore."

She gives me a moment to think about it and feel the truth behind those words. She is right. Of course, she is. My wise Viceroy. What would I do without her guidance? And I have other people around me I can rely on, I'm not alone in this. I don't have to shoulder the whole world until the point it crushes me. My momentary anxiety attack dissolves and I can breathe freely again.

"You're right, thank you," I whisper and manage a faint smile. "Send Rina and Nestelle in, I can feel them stepping in the hall. We have a shield to fix."

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