50.1. Arriving in New York - Part 1

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I look at the helicopter and take a step back, bumping into Erik behind me. He hugs me tight so that I won't run away. Or fly away.

"No way!" I protest. "I'll fly to the airport myself!"

"Don't make a scene, Aefener," Liana sighs, following right after us. "I'm not thrilled about it either but I want us to travel together."

"Taranah and my guards could fly," I frown. "And Emi was permitted to use a car."

"Just tell him the surprise, Erik," she rolls her eyes.

"Hon, I'll be the one flying it," he says proudly and tingles me under my feathers.

"You will?" I turn around to face him and my anxiety mitigates.

"Yep," he grins. "Do you feel better about it? You can even sit in the cockpit next to me."

I do feel better about it so I let Erik push me inside. Obviously, seats weren't made for Celestials and while Liana's luxury helicopter is exceptionally large, my feathers are everywhere when I sit down and at least partly fold my wings.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we'll put up shields around the helicopter and police drones are accompanying us," Vermiel assures me when he notices that I'm eyeing my surroundings.

That's not what I'm worried about, though. I'm worried I'll get claustrophobic when the door closes. Celestials are not meant to fly in metal boxes.

"Stop moving, Ryuu, and let me fasten your seatbelt," Erik is struggling with me and I accidentally hit him with the joint of my left wing because I can't fold my wings comfortably.

In the meanwhile, Liana, Fefnir, Luviael and Vermiel take the back seats.

"I'm counting on you, dear. Keep things orderly here," Liana says to Ingri who sees us off. Ingri's parents disagreed with her travelling to New York. Besides, she wouldn't be of much use to us anyway. While we do consider her part of our inner government, she's still just a teenager.

When we're all safely inside, Erik puts headphones over my ears, takes his own and announces that we're taking off. He feels so excited about flying a helicopter again that I decide to focus on his feelings instead of mine. And it works. The claustrophobia doesn't hit so hard and I can enjoy the moment because my partner is enjoying it.

"Love, can you lower your wings? I actually need to see to the sides as well," he asks me. "Also, your feathers are all over the control board."

I try, I really do, but the cockpit is too small and the seat isn't manufactured to hold a Celestial.

"That will have to do then," he caresses my left wing with a smile.

"Uhm," my stomach turns upside down when the helicopter jerks but I hold on somehow. It's not that I'm afraid of flying all of a sudden. It just feels totally unnatural not being in control.

"How are you holding back there?" Erik asks through the intercom.

"We should manage," Luvi answers, her voice mirroring her uneasiness. "How's His Majesty? Unfortunately, our racial weaknesses have even bigger impact on him."

"On the verge of puking," he teases me so I have to poke him.

The flight isn't long but I have to keep touching Erik's arm to calm myself down. I don't know how I'll manage those ten hours on the plane.

Planes don't shake unless there's a turbulence and you'll have much more space there, Erik comforts me, catching my worry. Besides, I bet it'll be one of those luxurious private jets with beds.

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