28.1. Out of Control - Part 1

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"It's not such a big deal, right?" I'm desperately trying to make light of it. "It was just a bit more windy than usual. Nothing some tidying can't fix."

"The lamp is broken, Ryuu," Erik stays patient. "That was no mere gust of breeze."

I sigh and I bury my face in my hands. My wings start shivering which seems to be a Celestial way of showing anxiety. My wings always mirror how I feel which is becoming impractical. I can never hide my feelings from Erik, even if I choose not to use my telepathy.

"It might be the same for every Celestial during sex?" I bring up, hoping I'm not the only weirdo as usual.

"It's probably natural for Celestials to leak their mana when excited," Erik ponders. "But I think you're losing control because you get absorbed in my mind too deeply, forgetting about your surroundings."

He's right, I know he is. The world disappears for me when I fully dive into him. But what can I do about it? That's how my telepathy works during our full connection.

"We'll figure it out, love," Erik hugs me and caresses my wings in a way that won't arouse me again. "That psychologist is coming today, right? He might be able to help."

"I don't think he will have a specialisation in paranormal abilities," I have to disappoint him. "I thought we wanted to talk to him about my... ehm... insecurities. I'm not telling him that I'm a telepath. At least not anytime soon."

"You might open up to him eventually," Erik is hopeful. "But for now... let's go for breakfast."

"We can't leave the room like this," I'm surprised he isn't tidying up already considering how he likes his things to be orderly.

"Leave that to the room service?" he smirks.

"Don't be a jerk," I roll my eyes. "Did you get used to living in luxury so quickly?"

"One might get used to it," he admits. "Just kidding, let's tidy this mess."

We start putting things back to their places and I find out that I can speed up the process by using telekinesis. I still have to see where to deliver the levitating objects but it helps a lot.

"That's surprisingly handy," Erik comments.

"What, you didn't consider magic handy before?" I ask while folding our clothes.

"Not really, sorry," he shrugs. "I mean... when will Celestials actually use it in real life? Where will you be allowed to use it?"

"A-allowed?" that word takes me aback. It sounds really unpleasant.

"Well, I doubt magic will become an everyday activity," he says. "Firstly, it scares humans. Secondly, it takes your precious mana and you have to eat a lot afterwards. Thirdly, it's dangerous and for what purpose would you even use it? We have technology for everything, it's the 22nd century."

I have to think about it for a while. I continue tidying but I'm, in fact, thinking frantically. My boyfriend is probably right again. Where will we use magic in everyday situations? Even when Draconia was still a game, we didn't cast spells just for the fun of it. That would be pointless and a waste of mana. Except for training, we used it only in dungeons and during questing or levelling.

"The government might propose limiting magic usage to protect citizens and prevent possible abuse of power," Erik continues and is choosing his words carefully.

"What about the Dragonkin and Clawfangs?" I remind him. "Their abilities are just as dangerous as ours. It only doesn't seem that way because they're not as flashy and hard to understand."

Draconia Offline vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now