27.2. We Can't Rely on Humans - Part 2

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"Is this enough? We didn't go through everything," Emi sighs.

"Establishing our own embassy will take much more than one meeting," Liana shakes her head. "We have enough material for tomorrow at least."

"Can we actually visit the restaurant after what happened at lunch?" Erik is worried.

"We have to test out our new bodyguards and authority," Liana shrugs. "Besides, the place shouldn't be that crowded, it's quite late."

We step outside and our bodyguards and newly also four Celestials including Muriel join us. I'm a bit nervous being around Celestials I have to get used to first but their minds aren't as tiresome as human ones.

"That's way too many people for one elevator," Karl says and looks at our Celestial escort with badly hidden dislike. "We have to divide."

"Your Excellency," one of the Celestials points towards another elevator.

I end up riding with Muriel, one other Celestial and two human bodyguards while Karl goes with Liana and the rest. I bet Karl feels more comfortable around his employer than me which is only understandable.

Do I also get Celestial bodyguards when we're not working together? Erik asks, holding my hand firmly. I'm perfectly fine with just humans.

I want you better protected, I say truthfully. Now that these Celestials volunteered and I digested it, I think it isn't a such bad idea after all. Their telekinesis is handy.

You think the government might come after me if they can't get to you, he's saddened.

It... might come to that, I admit and shiver at the thought. I have to start taking things deadly serious from now on. I should have before but I was naïve. There's no coming back to the mundane life for me. There's no...

No way of you getting out of becoming the Celestial Emperor? Erik finishes for me.

I don't answer and hug him instead. I'd feel embarrassed doing it in front of my bodyguards just a few days ago but I'm afraid I have to get used to being surrounded by people all the time. I decide to make every moment count with Erik because who knows how much alone time we'll get in future.

I kiss him to get some teaser for later. It's a very light kiss but my mind still connects to his immediately. I have to make an effort to pull out because I get extremely aroused. Is it because we were separated for a few hours today? Just a month ago before all this I'd get hard but now it's my wings that react first. Thankfully, it's not that recognisable.

The elevator stops, we're here. And this time we get to the restaurant without any problems. It's still quite busy but much emptier than during lunch. And Draconians don't dare to bother which is a nice change. I still feel guilty about hurting Heidan but it seems I had to demonstrate that there's no trifling with me.

"I'll go sit with my pack, see you tomorrow," Emi says goodbye and joins other Clawfangs.

"I should probably do the same... to do some networking and shit," Fefnir shrugs and goes to several Dragonkin who are waving at him.

"Do you want to sit with your people as well, Ingri?" Liana asks kindly because Ingi seems torn between staying with us and eyeing a group of Earthborn.

"Can I?" she chews her lip. "Won't you need me? I'm your secretary."

"You're not at work now so go," Liana encourages her and Ingri happily runs off as well.

Since there's no commotion, I can finally explore the place. It's actually quite cosy here, not so corporate-looking at all. Sure, you have to go fetch your food yourself, it's basically a school dining hall style, but the decorations are nice, tables and chairs seem very comfortable and the staff is smiling.

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