47.2. The Weight of Responsibility - Part 2

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"I'm fine," I assure Erik for the fifth time this morning. "Now that I know you'll let me fly, I'm calm."

"You looked longingly out of the window just now," he accuses me.

"So what, I can look," I flutter my wings in annoyance.

"Your Majesty, be mindful of your surroundings, please," Luviael scolds me because I almost knocked over my mug.

"Celestials need more spacious rooms obviously," Erik comments and analyses mine, Luvi's and Liana's wings. The room feels cramped with just a few of us here. "It's ironic that now when I finally have money to rent the most luxurious apartment, we can't move."

"I don't care where I am if I'm with you," I shrug indifferently.

Erik cries, being moved by my confession. He stands up because he has the urge to kiss me on the spot. In front of everyone.

"Are they for real?" Luviael rolls her eyes.

"Romantic cliché is their forte," Liana waves her hand and looks into her computer again. "Just ignore them."

"Considering how little privacy we have, I'll gladly let you suffer watching us," Erik retorts and kisses me once more before returning to work.


"Oh, this is actually neat, I've always wanted one of these," I study the smartwatch Fefnir ties around my wrist. He makes double sure that it won't come off. It's the latest model of the most expensive sports watch with build-in navigation and gesture control.

"We'll call to check up on you from time to time. The drones will track your position and fly towards you whenever they lose the visual and in case you get disoriented, just say home and it'll navigate you back here," Fefnir summarises for me.

"Thanks," I smile and I'm about to stretch my wings when Erik hugs me one more time.

"Be careful and come back to me, okay?" he whispers into my ear.

"I'll always come back to you," I assure him. "But you have to let me go now."

He nods and steps aside. I can feel that everyone is nervous but I'm much more confident today. Sure, I can't wait to fly again, I'll most probably get high when the adrenaline hits me but I'm in control. My friends trust me and I won't betray their trust.

I activate the shield, flap my wings mightily and my feet leave the ground. It's pure euphoria but I don't lose myself in it. I'll be able to fly every day from now on. It'll be a normal occurrence just as when someone goes for a walk. No need to be that crazy about it.

I start by flying around the skyscraper before I dare to venture further. I test how far I can go but being mindful of the drones this time, I don't push full speed. Besides, I don't want to be exhausted afterwards. Suddenly, my watch starts vibrating. I stop, start hovering and answer the call by tapping the tiny screen.

"Love, it's two kilometres already," Erik informs me, urgency in his voice. "Are you okay?"

"Totally," I assure him. "Can the watch vibrate when I get too far so that you don't have to call me each time?"

I hear Erik discussing the matter with Fefnir.

"It's updated now, Aefener," my Dragonkin friend informs me. "The drones see you just fine so continue like that, please."

Happy that I'm managing, I end the call and start performing various pirouettes. It gives me joy how well my wings respond to everything I want them to do. How well my whole body responds. I feel so light and this time warmer because my maids gave me thermal leggings and underwear.

I fly around, up, down, changing directions, flying around the skyscraper and further. That feeling hits me again. I'm so proud to be a Celestial. I hope everyone feels good in their new bodies. I think they should. The game assigned players their race based on a detailed psychological profile so hopefully nobody ended in a body they'd hate.

Damn, what are the implications, though? If someone did make the Great Evolution happen, it would mean that they needed people compatible with Draconian races. They needed specific types of people to change into races that would agree with their nature. What for? Why nobody claimed responsibility yet? And what if... my family is somehow involved?

"Hon, but it's been an hour," Erik calls me again.

"What?" I stop abruptly. "It can't be!"

"It is," he insists. "Check the time on your watch."

I frown but do as he says. And he's right. My flying session began at 11:30 and it's 12:30. Where did the time go?

"It's lunchtime, can back to us, please," he pleads a bit too anxiously.

I sigh. He's really afraid I won't listen. Well, I'll prove him otherwise. I go into descend and head for our skyscraper that's shining among the others so it's easily recognisable. Emotions of everyone waiting on the roof's balcony hit me. They're relieved I came back without a problem. I land carefully and this time there's no scolding and Erik hugs me.

"Well done, love," he praises me.

"See? I managed just fine. Admittedly, I lost the track of time but I was in control," I say proudly. "Still, I can't believe it's been an hour."

"And I can't believe where you take the energy to fly like a crazy for so long. You can watch the record later," he flattens my hair that got messy.

"You were filming me again? Why?" I puff.

"For other Celestials," Liana explains. She's more than content about today's flight. "They want to see their Emperor in informal situations and you flying is the most magnificent thing ever that has nothing to do with politics."

"I'd rather call it cute than magnificent," Erik laughs. "All those flying acrobatics Ryuu was performing are hardly serious."

"The Celestial Emperor, being naturally the best flier, can be playful," she purses her lips because she would prefer to have me magnificent over cute. But I am what I am. I'm acting exactly as the Celestial Emperor and she has to deal with it.

"So no issues? I can fly like that every day from now on?" I'm making sure.

"For a few weeks at least before we can join you," she agrees. "I think I shouldn't take long. It would be convenient if at least me and a few high-level guards are able to fly before the UN conference."

Oh, I almost forgot about... that. It's happening in three weeks which is near. So menacingly near. I don't feel prepared. Everyone is relying on me, expecting that I'll perfectly represent Celestials. My chest tightens and my stomach churns every time I realise how much responsibility lies on my frail shoulders.

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