24.1. Not Coming Back - Part 1

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"Since when do we have kittens?" Liana asks calmly but I can feel she's furious inside. And not because of the fluffy litter. We're sitting in her office where she summoned us just a few minutes after Emi proudly showed me her discovery in the cafeteria.

I wanted to complain about her confiscating all my casual clothes as soon as I saw her but now is definitely not the right time. Liana is royally pissed and there's no messing with my Viceroy when she's like that.

"Since today morning," Emi answers plainly and is piercing Liana with her bright brown vulpine eyes while petting the little kittens on her lap. She's challenging Liana to berate her. Emi might be several years younger but they're both adults so she thinks my Viceroy has no right to act all high and mighty towards her.

"I'm not angry because of your new pets, Emi," Liana's voice is ice. "I'm angry because you breached my security."

Oh, so that's what it's all about. I didn't realise that Emi's morning jog means she went outside.

"So am I your prisoner now?" Emi hisses through her teeth. "Li, I'm really grateful that you saved me. You have no idea how much. But I'm a free person and won't be..."

"You could have been apprehended!" Liana bursts out and hits the table. "You, among all people, should know that the government doesn't see us as humans with human rights until we claim them back. Moreover, you're a race ruler, Emi, and thus have responsibility towards your people."

"I... I know that," Emi retorts but not as strongly as she originally intended. Liana hit her weak spot. If anything, Emi seems to take her being the Clawfang leader even in the real world seriously. "But I took my pack so I was safe."

"Yeah, you took your pack," Liana snorts and passes us her tablet. "And you made quite an impression."

Erik and I glance at the screen that shows a video of Emi and other Clawfangs running wildly in a nearby park. And also... ehm... damaging some fences in their way.

"Okay, I admit that doesn't look good," Emi scratches one of the kittens. "But we needed to let off some steam, Li. My race just can't sit in one place, we'd go crazy. We're born to run just as your race is born to fly. Only in your case the difference is that you still can't do it. I bet if Aefener could fly right now, no power in the world would stop him."

Liana sighs. Emi definitely wasn't right when breaching the tight security Liana established for our safety but there's no denying the Clawfang nature. Or ours for the matter.

"Then we have to agree on some things for the future and find a compromise," Liana leans into the chair and whines because she forgot about her wings for a second. "Damn, I need to order new seats."

"Sorry, but can we go now?" Erik asks impatiently. "Ryuuto still didn't have his breakfast."

"Oh, right... of course," Liana dismisses the two of us. "I summoned you only because I was afraid Emi wouldn't come without you. Return immediately after you've eaten, okay? There's a lot of work to be done. Oh, I noticed that I have a missed call from you, Aefener. What did you need?"

"I...," I look at her while analysing her current mental state.

She doesn't seem open to any arguments about trivialities. Besides, she's wearing her own Celestial robe with the attitude like it's the most common type of clothing for us from now on. And Emi does hers too.

"Never mind," I sigh resignedly.

"Okay, eat a lot, would you?" she nods, content that I swallowed my complaints.

We quickly leave the office. It's obvious Emi is in for more scolding about her behaviour and we don't have to witness that.

"Are we sure she really wants you to become the Emperor?" Erik shakes his head when we reach the stairs. Liana's office is just two floors above the cafeteria so we can walk. I'm glad that I can use the stairs instead of the elevator and avoid another episode of claustrophobic attack.

Draconia Offline vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now