61.2. For Better or Worse - Part 2

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"Would it be possible to go sightseeing today in the afternoon?" I ask carefully while Luviael is reading today's agenda. It's the last day of the conference, we're going home tomorrow.

"Define sightseeing," Luviael sighs. "You know we can't let you walk the streets, Your Majesty."

"It's my first time in New York and maybe the last one for a long time," I say. "I'd like to see at least all the famous places."

"Is flying over them enough?" she asks. "That could be done I guess."

"But that way Erik can't go," I frown. "And I want to buy local food and visit some comics shops."

"Love," Gotrid hugs me from behind and kisses me into my hair. "We'd love to fulfil your every wish but you know this one isn't possible. People would go crazy and even with all the guards, it'd be difficult to ensure your safety."

"I know," I admit, feeling down about it. There're so many things I can't do anymore.

"Go for that flying sightseeing at least," Erik suggests. "I don't mind. You have two Consorts, love, it makes sense we'll take turns at certain activities."

I really don't like the idea of leaving Erik at the hotel while we go for a trip but I can feel he's genuinely not bothered.

"I'll have some expensive wine with Elizabeth," he makes up a different program for the afternoon and seems to be looking forward to it so I agree in the end.


The last day of the conference is busy but peaceful. We wrap up a few loose ends and everyone is feeling relieved that it's over with no imminent threat of a war erupting between humans and Draconians. Normally, there would be one last banquet on the final day but it was cancelled due to the global situation. Translated: it wouldn't feel right to feast and have fun when monsters can attack anytime.

One thing became quite evident, though, to my dismay. Other race rulers simply suck at anything even remotely diplomatic. I vehemently claimed that I don't particularly enjoy politics despite being a Celestial and it's still true but it became evident during the conference that I really might be natural at it just as they said.

Emi ditched most of the conference and whenever she was present, I was afraid she would say or do something rude or downright offensive. Twyla and Werden were interested only in ecological and scientific topics and subtlety in these things isn't their forte. Originally, I hoped for Deminas's support but it turned out he's only invested in crafting and trade. I'm stuck at being the Draconian main representative after all.

For better or worse, Delgado really didn't show up. I should be happy to be rid of him but it also means the United States refused our protection. They were forced by the UN to lift the ban on Draconians travelling and promise to respect our basic rights but that's about it. I want to stay indifferent but, the truth is, I just can't. I'm afraid people in the US will die unnecessarily because of Delgado's pride and stubbornness.

"Only time will tell," Erik caresses my feathers while we listen to the final closing speech.


"Ryuu, seriously, I don't mind," Erik assures me for the tenth time. "Elizabeth should arrive in a minute and we mean to drink and gossip like crazy."

I kiss him deeply, sending him a ton of my love, before I finally spread my wings and take off. At first, my guards weren't happy about the unnecessary flight session. Not that they'd be unhappy to fly extra, they're just anxious about protecting me. But then Liana surprisingly joined as well and with many new Celestials strengthening our forces, Vermiel and Miruel couldn't say no.

We fly over the most prominent buildings and Gotrid explains to me what they are. We go a bit lower every once in a while but I'm soon fed up with people on the ground taking their phones out and streaming our flight online as a spectacle. Moreover, the army drones are trailing us so our trip isn't as carefree as I'd hoped.

But I still try to enjoy myself. Gotrid knows a lot about New York—so much I'm afraid he'll miss it. But his excitement to be whenever I am is much bigger. I see Liana flying next to Soren and they're engaged in a lively conversation. I'm glad that she feels relaxed around him despite their initial disagreement.

We return when it starts to get dark. Celestials generally hate flying after sunset. Our sight, otherwise perfect and exceeding all other races, is only average at best when it's dark. We don't have night vision like the Clawfangs and the Dragonkin.

"Your Majesty," Elizabeth bows to me. She's still in our living room when we return and she and Erik evidently had a good time.

"Elizabeth, I want you to know that you and your wife are always welcomed," I say. "You don't need an official excuse to visit, okay?"

"Thanks, love, it's been only a short time but we became friends," Erik appreciates. He's a tiny bit drunk but still in full control of himself. He's looking forward to the night so he wouldn't get seriously drunk.

I kiss him on his lips. He smells after the expensive wine they've been drinking but I don't mind. I'm happy that he made a new friend he can trust and have fun with. He needs more humans around. Elizabeth excuses herself because she can see that Erik has eyes only for me now that I'm back.

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