59.3. I'm the Emperor - Part 3

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And it's out. I've just done a huge coming out in front of thousands. But I don't feel any dread, only relief. I did it on my terms, I wasn't forced into it. I'll no longer need to watch for myself, at least not in front of my own people.

"B-but... how?!" Soren is lost for words.

Since I was born. This has nothing to do with me being a Celestial, I add to make it perfectly clear. As for why, we're not sure but we're trying to investigate that. So far, all we know is that there's a high chance my family is somehow involved in developing Draconia Online.

There's shocked silence for a long minute or so. Then everyone starts talking excitedly. To be honest, I don't know why I was so afraid because not a single person gathered here thinks I'm a monster who will pry into their privacy. It makes me even more magical in their eyes.

"We don't want humans to know for obvious reasons," Gotrid tells Soren desperately.

"We understand, Royal Consort," Soren nods, his expression serious. "It won't get out. Not from our mouths."

"Li, do you feel better now?" I check up on my Viceroy, gently lifting her chin because she was snuggling into my wings the whole time. "You're still my deputy, nothing has changed. And you have three thousand five hundred seventy-two new people to manage. I'll gladly save my energy by leaving them to you."

"How do you know the exact number?" Liana dries her eyes and looks much calmer now. She even leaves the refuge of my wings, her confidence quickly returning.

"Because I'm not blocking my telepathy and mana capacity any longer," I explain. "And because they're my people so I should know."

"Your Majesty, I'd like to join the Royal Guard," Soren begs. "I submitted my application months ago and was just waiting for the ban on Draconians travelling to be lifted. The Viceroy knows I'm more than capable. And there're others who would like to join as well."

"Granted," I permit. "Report to Vermiel. Li, can you manage the rest?"

"Of course," she says, enthusiastically now. She's at her best when she has specific tasks to do. Sulking doesn't suit her.

"Will you manage to fly back, love?" Gotrid is concerned and clutches my hand again since I'm not preoccupied with Liana anymore. "Oh, hon, how did you get so dirty?" he tries to dust off my wings and robe.

"I took a stroll, it was my first time in a real forest," I shrug, trying to make light of the situation because everyone is still very tense. "I guess there's no chance anyone else is just casually carrying a snack? I'm still hungry."

It was a rather rhetorical question; I don't expect I'd actually get one. But Celestials who are at the hearing distance pass my question further and, in a short moment, a young woman with brown wings is approaching me timidly. I notice her robe has a handy chest pouch that looks custom-made.

"A Celestial bag," I smile. "Did you make it yourself?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I like sewing," she bows and is looking at me with awe. It's obvious she didn't think it even possible to talk to me personally like that. I sigh, saddened. I don't want to be seen as distant ruler somewhere in a palace but is there any other way? I can't become a close friend with everyone, it's just physically impossible.

The woman looks a few years older than Ingri, is she a student of design perhaps? We certainly need more people like that, I don't feel comfortable giving contracts to humans if we can help it. I make a mental note to introduce her to Ingri when we return to Prague.

"H-here," she takes a sandwich out of her pouch. "I made it this morning. It's nothing fancy but I'd be honoured if His Majesty eats it."

"Oh, but aren't you hungry yourself? I made you chase after me for hours," I suddenly feel guilty about it.

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